Talk:Daedalus: Alien Defense


Custom things[edit]

# class	thingID	wikiname	wikilink
2	20205	Experimental weapon	
5	20201	Environmental suit	
5	20206	Powerup gem	
6	20104	Advanced student pass	
6	20102	Engine room key	
6	20101	Engineering key	
6	20105	Teacher's pass	
7	20207	Burnt up microgen	
7	20203	Dead microgen	
7	20204	Plasma box	
7	20202	Working microgen	

Here's the table. Should be everything, as far as I can tell. --Matador (talk) 02:55, 9 January 2022 (CST)

Updated with stuff from the last map, plus the renamed Powerup gem and Experimental weapon:

# class	thingID	wikiname	wikilink
0	41	Spider	
2	20205	Cloner	
5	20201	Environmental suit	
5	20206	Cloner power source	
6	20104	Advanced student pass	
6	20102	Engine room key	
6	20101	Engineering key	
6	20105	Teacher's pass	
7	20207	Burnt up microgen	
7	20203	Dead microgen	
7	20204	Plasma box	
7	20202	Working microgen	

The names for the enemies are not official since I cannot find their names anywhere. --Dynamo128 (talk) 15:25, 4 February 2022 (CST)