Talk:Doom Bible


Hand unlocking door[edit]

I am pretty sure the "use severed hand of dead crew member to unlock door" concept is an idea from a scifi movie, but I can´t remember where I saw this - some 1980s film with Schwarzenegger mabye? Anyways, I think it´s higly unlikely that this is a hommage to the Doom Bible when a similar key puzzle shows up in a game.--Tetz 18:37, 3 February 2009 (UTC)

I remember a likely scene in Demolition Man, but in this movie it was an eye.--Cybdmn 21:07, 3 February 2009 (UTC)

BFG 3.14[edit]

I think this is a lot more likely to be a Commander Keen reference, since Billy's IQ is supposed to be 314 and his arch-nemesis calls him "Mr. Three-fourteen". -- ETTiNGRiNDER (talk) 02:08, 8 July 2014 (UTC)

Or it could just be a reference to pi. Robotcthulhu (talk) 05:28, 3 September 2024 (CDT)

Plasma Rifle replaced not Spray Rifle but Dark Claw[edit]

There is a reverse engineered source code available for Alpha 0.5 (thanks to debugging symbols present in 0.5 version) and it shows the following weapon order (see here):

  1. Bayonet
  2. Rifle
  3. Shotgun
  4. Machine Gun
  5. Missile Launcher
  6. Chainsaw
  7. Dark Claw
  8. BFG

There are no debugging symbols available for 0.3 and 0.4 alphas but by examining disassembled code you can see that these versions were also intended to have 8 weapon slots (taken from 0.3):

                mov     [ebp+newweapon], 0Fh      ; newweapon = wp_nochange
                mov     edi, 0                    ; i = 0
                jmp     short start_loop
                align 4
next_iteration: inc     edi                       ; i++
start_loop:     cmp     edi, 8
                jge     short exit_loop           ; if (i >= 8) goto exit_loop
                mov     eax, ds:key_weapon[edi*4]
                cmp     ds:keydown[eax*4], 0
                jz      short next_iteration      ; if (keydown[key_weapon[i]] == 0) goto next_iteration
                mov     [ebp+newweapon], edi      ; newweapon = i
                jmp     short next_iteration
exit_loop:      mov     eax, [ebp+newweapon]
                shl     eax, 2
                or      [esi+2], ax               ; cmd->buttons |= newweapon << 2

In Beta Chainsaw was moved to slot 1 (sharing it with Brass Knuckles) and this places Dark Claw into slot 6, i.e. Dark Claw was replaced with Plasma Gun in Beta.

Spray Rifle was present only in Alpha 0.2 as a HUD sprite (WPICSPR). Alpha 0.2 weapon changing code is incomplete but it actually supported 10 weapons (again, taken from disassembly) and the same number of HUD weapon sprites is present in the WAD. In Alpha 0.3 all the resources for Probjectile, Spray Rifle and Unmaker were removed but pickup sprite for Chainsaw was added. So we can assume that weapon roster for alphas 0.3-0.5 was identical (see above).

--Cryptowhale (talk) 13:28, 14 January 2025 (CST)