Talk:Indie games



From Discord:

well here's my problem and why I accepted it
everything cannot be an "indie game"
IMHO it's not an indie game unless it's been published somewhere.
otherwise it's a redundant category for PC, TC, gameplay mod, etcetcetc
and becomes meaningless.
maybe the article needs to be renamed "Standalone games" if that's what you want it to consist of
and then in that case anything that still requires/consumes content from any of the commercial IWADs will need to be excluded by definition.

This article needs to be focused on one thing. If that thing is not the title of the article then we need to move it somewhere else, and then make sure its contents actually adhere to what it is called. --Quasar (talk) 16:22, 14 December 2022 (CST)

As mentioned before: Renaming it to "Standalone games" is fine by me and can cover the grunt of what this article in its intent was about (Namely: Every game that is selfcontained and does not require the Doom IWAD by any means possible. Some include a blank IWAD to make it standalone, which is perfectly fine aswell. Likely the name Indie games threw this off. --Redneckerz (talk) 16:09, 15 December 2022 (CST)


Canceled indie games would not fall under our notability criteria unless they left behind significant cultural artifacts. Those should just be removed IMO. --Quasar (talk) 12:10, 23 March 2023 (CDT)


Should this article be merged with Fan-made Doom games? It seems to serve the same purpose. -Inuk (talk) 16:43, 27 May 2024 (CDT)

Download links and prices[edit]

Is it an exception for download links to be on this page, along with prices, or should the couple that exist be removed? Robotcthulhu (talk) 03:57, 8 September 2024 (CDT)

I see no valid reason to remove download links. As for price, I don't see any -- just to stave off confusion, Kid 4 $29.99 is the title of that game; it's not a game titled "Kid 4" being sold for 30 bucks. --Gez (talk) 04:08, 8 September 2024 (CDT)
Sorry, I misread your earlier statement (Sorry Xymph!). I thought that there was somewherr in the wiki policy that said no download links. Robotcthulhu (talk) 04:19, 8 September 2024 (CDT)
Warez links are not allowed indeed, but Haze was abandoned after a public prototype and never went on sale. --Xymph (talk) 04:24, 8 September 2024 (CDT)