Talk:MAP27: Mount Pain (TNT: Evilution)


I think we had had some discussion about what to do in regard to demos that are in incoming. I think we should keep the "official record" and add the one in incoming as a note to it. Who is like God? 16:49, 5 October 2008 (UTC)

Quite possibly.    Ryan W 19:38, 6 October 2008 (UTC)oh, hah, you've obviously already seen that.  Your idea would work well IMHO.    Ryan W 23:14, 6 October 2008 (UTC)
Like this?

Unpublished records[edit]

Some of the above records have been broken, or empty tables filled, by newer demos, but those demos have not been officially peer-reviewed due to the Compet-n's lack of updates since June 21, 2005. Nevertheless, the newer demos may be downloaded below.

Run Time Player Date File Notes
UV speed 01:59 Tamas Flamich 2008-07-02
NM speed 04:00 Tatsurd-cacocaco 2008-09-22
NM100S 04:00 Tatsurd-cacocaco 2008-09-22
UV -respawn 08:56 Serge Marudov (Never Again) 2008-02-10
UV pacifist 02:06 Tatsurd-cacocaco 2008-09-26
Hopefully, that's good enough. The Green Herring 23:51, 6 October 2008 (UTC)
I'm not sure June 21 is the right date, as a couple of the published entries are stamped later (e.g. ev07-658 and pp09-134).  Maybe also change "officially published" to "officially peer-reviewed"?  The Doomworld speedrun forums are sometimes filled with sprightly unofficial reviewing.   :>     Ryan W 02:16, 7 October 2008 (UTC)
I chose June 21 because that's what the date for the site's last update reads. Perhaps it could just say "since 2005"? In any case, I changed the wording to what you suggested. The Green Herring 02:34, 7 October 2008 (UTC)

Rad Suit Bug?[edit]

I'm playing through Mount Pain on the official "DOOM + DOOM II" game on the XBOX/PC launcher. I got to the section with the four cacodemons in the round room, rad suit in the center; just prior to the outdoor canyon gauntlet. I died in the canyon so returned to my quicksave just prior to the cacodemon room. However, immediately after loading, the radsuit sinks slightly into the floor and becomes no longer collectable (unfortunately making the level impossible to complete). I don't know if this unique to this map or a general bug. 05:57, 14 September 2024 (CDT)

I had a quick look in Ultimate Doom Builder. The radsuit is placed inside a tiny hole and should not be revealed until after you get the yellow key; doing this lowers a wall behind you, and when you walk through that wall you cross a linedef that makes the radsuit rise out of the hole. So this might be an issue with KEX Engine. Not getting the radsuit shouldn't prevent you completing the level, however. Gauss (talk) 11:08, 14 September 2024 (CDT)