Talk:MAYhem 2018


Custom things mapping[edit]

Eris Falling's comprehensive descriptions (thanks!) allowed for compiling the following DMMPST custom things mapping file (TSV format):

Orange edition:

# class	thingID	wikiname	wikilink
2	2005	Rapid-fire rocket launcher	MAYhem 2018#Rapid-fire rocket launcher
0	3006	Hades sphere	MAYhem 2018#Orange edition
0	23	Ethereal soul	MAYhem 2018#Orange edition
0	68	Shadow	MAYhem 2018#Orange edition
0	7	Cybruiser	MAYhem 2018#Orange edition
0	71	Hades elemental	MAYhem 2018#Orange edition
0	3003	Spiderdemon	~

Purple edition:

# class	thingID	wikiname	wikilink
2	2005	Rapid-fire rocket launcher	MAYhem 2018#Rapid-fire rocket launcher
0	72	Suicide bomber	MAYhem 2018#Purple edition
0	84	Possessed marine	MAYhem 2018#Purple edition
0	3003	Grell	MAYhem 2018#Purple edition
0	12	Chaingun spider	MAYhem 2018#Purple edition
0	7	Immolator	MAYhem 2018#Purple edition

Please let me know any improvements/corrections. And here's how you can help with mapping files for other WADs. --Xymph (talk) 14:32, 8 November 2018 (CST)