

Custom things mapping[edit]

The DECORATE lump in mek-s9-l2.wad (S9DM03) defines the following custom things for the DMMPST things mapping file:

# class	thing	wikiname	wikilink
2	30026	Super shotgun	~
2	30023	Chaingun	~
2	30025	Rocket launcher	~
2	30033	Rocket launcher (float)	
2	30024	Plasma gun	~
2	30022	BFG9000	~
3	30016	Clip	~
3	30017	Box of bullets	~
3	30020	4 shotgun shells	~
3	30021	Box of shotgun shells	~
3	30018	Rocket	~
3	30019	Box of rockets	~
3	30014	Energy cell	Energy cell (Doom)
3	30015	Energy cell pack	~
4	30030	Stimpack	~
4	30029	Medikit	~
4	30031	Armor bonus	~
4	30028	Health bonus	~
5	30013	Backpack	~
5	30032	Backpack (float)	
5	30027	Berserk	~

Please let me know any improvements/corrections. And here's how you can help with mapping files for other WADs.