Talk:The Edge of Time


Custom things mapping[edit]

The content descriptions and DECORATE lumps allowed to compile the following custom things mapping file for DMMPST (TSV format):

# class	thingID	wikiname	wikilink
0	1957	The unwilling	The Edge of Time#Custom_monsters
0	6673	Fire gargoyle	Gargoyle
0	6668	Afrit	~
0	8106	Former lieutenant	The Edge of Time#Custom_monsters
0	8108	Alien	The Edge of Time#Custom_monsters
0	6301	Golem	~
0	6302	Golem (ghost)	Golem
0	3204	Former demolitions expert	The Edge of Time#Custom_monsters
0	6674	Nitrogolem	Golem
0	6684	Nitrogolem (ghost)	Golem
0	6672	Dark disciple	Disciple of D'Sparil
0	27800	Nail borg	The Edge of Time#Custom_monsters
0	6681	Dark bishop	~
0	10947	Weredragon	~
0	8102	Hellkite	The Edge of Time#Custom_monsters
0	6303	Ophidian	~
0	6690	Undead knight	Undead warrior
0	8103	Moai head (tan)	The Edge of Time#Custom_monsters
0	8104	Moai head (red)	The Edge of Time#Custom_monsters
0	6872	Iron lich	~
0	6667	Maulotaur	~
0	3333	Bruiser demon	The Edge of Time#Custom_monsters
0	8107	Cyberdemon lord	The Edge of Time#Custom_monsters
0	6335	Supreme spider mastermind	The Edge of Time#Custom_monsters
0	6334	Aracnorb empress	The Edge of Time#Custom_monsters
0	6669	D'Sparil (mounted)	D'Sparil
0	6678	D'Sparil	~
2	565	Officer's pistol	The Edge of Time#Custom_weapons
2	567	Hi-powered revolver	The Edge of Time#Custom_weapons
2	558	Combat shotgun	The Edge of Time#Custom_weapons
2	2001	Combat shotgun	The Edge of Time#Custom_weapons
2	559	Double barreled shotgun	The Edge of Time#Custom_weapons
2	82	Double barreled shotgun	The Edge of Time#Custom_weapons
2	7886	Assault rifle	The Edge of Time#Custom_weapons
2	2002	Heavy chaingun	The Edge of Time#Custom_weapons
2	358	Marksman's rifle	The Edge of Time#Custom_weapons
2	356	Nailgun	The Edge of Time#Custom_weapons
2	561	Missile launcher	The Edge of Time#Custom_weapons
2	2003	Missile launcher	The Edge of Time#Custom_weapons
2	562	Argent channeler	The Edge of Time#Custom_weapons
2	2004	Argent channeler	The Edge of Time#Custom_weapons
2	563	Argent particle cannon	The Edge of Time#Custom_weapons
2	2006	Argent particle cannon	The Edge of Time#Custom_weapons
3	2008	Shotgun shells	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
3	359	Rifle cartridges	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
3	360	Box of rifle cartridges	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
3	357	Box of nails	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
3	355	Cluster of rockets	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
3	2047	Argent cell	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
3	17	Big argent cell	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
4	2011	Small heart	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
4	2012	Heart	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
4	10394	Large heart	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
4	2018	Security armor	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
4	5900	Light combat armor	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
4	2019	Heavy combat armor	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
4	5901	Special ops. armor	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	12390	Disc of Repulsion	~
5	12394	Fléchette	~
5	12396	Morph Ovum	~
5	12393	Frost Ovum	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	12392	Literal chaos device	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	12701	Random artifact	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11503	Bronze coin	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11502	Silver coin	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11501	Golden coin	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11504	Golden goblet	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11505	Golden crucifix	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11506	Chest full of treasure	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11507	Crown	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11508	Moai head trophy	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11509	Blue money bag	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11510	Red money bag	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11511	Grey money bag	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11512	Ritual dagger	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11513	Demon chest	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11514	Hell scepter	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11515	Unholy bible	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11516	Strange yellow capsule	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11517	Strange green capsule	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11518	Emerald	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11519	Topaz	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11520	Ruby	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11521	Sapphire	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11522	Large emerald	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11523	Large topaz	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11524	Large ruby	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	11525	Large sapphire	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	10395	Bottle full of health bonuses	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	2015	Armor shard	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	10396	Helmet	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	2023	Blade power	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	5032	Armor backpack	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	2013	Soulheart	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	83	Megacharge	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	5030	Turbosphere	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	5031	Regeneration sphere	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	5902	Doom sphere	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	12390	Golden medikit	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	12395	Pojo egg	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	12650	Mysterious stone tablet	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
5	12705	Land mine	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
6	12400	Blue rune key	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
6	12402	Red rune key	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
6	12401	Yellow rune key	The Edge of Time#Custom_items
7	10705	Pod	~
7	12452	Temporal anchor	The Edge of Time#Custom_objects
7	12702	Land mine	The Edge of Time#Custom_objects
7	6660	Spear trap	The Edge of Time#Custom_objects
7	6661	Blade trap	The Edge of Time#Custom_objects
7	6662	Flame jet (floor)	The Edge of Time#Custom_objects
7	6663	Flame jet (ceiling)	The Edge of Time#Custom_objects
7	2005	Big treasure chest	The Edge of Time#Custom_objects
7	5038	Big treasure chest	The Edge of Time#Custom_objects
7	5039	Extra big treasure chest	The Edge of Time#Custom_objects

Please let me know any improvements/corrections. And here's how you can help with mapping files for other WADs. --Dynamo128 (talk) 06:04, 7 March 2022 (CST)