Talk:Threshold of Pain


Custom thing table[edit]

Hectebus, minigun, and doomsphere are from Skulltag; afrit, lord of heresy, chainsaw zombie and plasma zombie are from the Monster Resource WAD.

Actor name Editor number Health Message
Protodemon 30000 15000 "%o knelt before the Cyber Prototype."
NightmareSpectre 3000 300 "%o was eaten by a Nightmare Spectre."
NightmareCacodemon 3116 700 "%o couldn't dodge the Nightmare Cacodemon's fireball."
NightmareImp 3200 60 "%o was burned by a Nightmare Imp."
Hectebus 25123 2000 "%o was cremated by a Hectebus."
Afrit 3120 800 "%o was scorched by an Afrit"
PlasmaZombie 3205 50 "%o got burned by a plasma zombie."
LordofHeresy 3121 1250 "%o was annihilated by the heresy lord."
BruiserDemon 3333 1500 "%o was slaughtered by a Bruiserdemon."
ChainsawZombie 3204 30 "%o was sliced by a madman zombie with a chainsaw!"
STMinigun 20039 "Picked up a minigun!"
STDoomsphere 5036 "Doomsphere!!"
AlphaUnmaker 25059 "What the !@#$%^&* is this?!"
AlphaUnmakerPowered 25060 "You got the Unmaker!"
DemonicEnergy 25091 "Picked up a demonic orb."
ChiGem 25092 "You have a feeling it wasn't meant to be touched."
UnmakerGuy 25099 60 "%o was unmade by a zombie."
PSXBloodyChain 32701
GSForce 30001 "Full shells!!"
GSLightning 30002 "Full bullets!!"
GSFire 30003 "Full rockets!!"
GSChaser 30004 "Full cells!!"
GSVitality 30005 "Full health and armour!!"

—The preceding unsigned comment was added by Gez (talkcontribs) .

From this table the following mapping file was derived:
# class	thingID	wikiname	wikilink
0	3204	Chainsaw zombie	Monster Resource WAD#Zombies
0	3205	Plasma zombie	Monster Resource WAD#Zombies
0	25099	Unmaker zombie	
0	3200	Nightmare imp	~
0	3000	Nightmare spectre	~
0	3116	Nightmare cacodemon	Monster Resource WAD#Monsters
0	3120	Afrit	Monster Resource WAD#Monsters
0	3121	Lord of Heresy	Monster Resource WAD#Monsters
0	3333	Bruiser demon	Bruiser Demon (Beastiary)
0	25123	Hectebus	Skulltag#New monsters
0	30000	Cyber prototype	
2	20039	Minigun	Skulltag#New weapons
2	25059	Unmaker	
2	25060	Unmaker (powered)	
3	30002	Full bullets	
3	30001	Full shells	
3	30003	Full rockets	
3	30004	Full cells	
3	25091	Demonic orb	
4	30005	Full health and armor	
5	5036	Doomsphere	Skulltag#Spheres
5	25092	Chi gem	
Is it meaningful to wikilink (~) to the two eponymous PSX monster pages? Please verify the list before I generate the things tables.
Also, it would be very helpful if you could already group the entries by class. Thanks. --Xymph (talk) 12:41, 24 January 2020 (CST)
Seems correct. --Gez (talk) 19:30, 24 January 2020 (CST)