Template talk:Zdoomwiki

From DoomWiki.org

Something wrong with this template[edit]

Individual transclusions of this template continue to appear to be broken without any particular rhyme or reason behind it. The breakage occurs in the form of an extra //wiki added into the URL, which makes it non-functional (upon arrival at zdoom.org, you're told there's no such article as, ie., "/wiki/IWAD").

Now that we have an explicit interwiki for ZDoom ( zdoom_wiki: ), this is a little bit redundant. At the least, this template could be simplified to use the interwiki. Maybe editing the template would force all the broken transclusions to automatically update and not force us to find them one by one? --Quasar 19:37, 18 November 2013 (UTC)

Seems both broken links on the main ZDoom article are automagically fixed. I'm not hunting down all the other pages to see if a problem remains. I think it's fixed. --Gez 23:23, 18 November 2013 (UTC)
Thanks for having the guts to try that out. :> --Quasar 23:30, 18 November 2013 (UTC)
A manual search seems to show no other broken usages (for any of the ZDoom link templates).  I think we're all good.    Ryan W 14:22, 23 November 2013 (UTC)