Text Mode Doom
From DoomWiki.org
Text mode renderers were used in text-based games, which had its peak popularity in the 1970s and 1980s. There are multiple source ports of Doom that have implemented this feature.
The source port FastDoom supports text mode rendering since version 0.8 as part of its goal to render as fast as possible on i386 and i486 class hardware. It is using two separate binaries:
- FDOOMT25.EXE for CGA, EGA and VGA video cards in 80x25 resolution in 16 colors in a virtual 80x50 resolution
- FDOOMT50.EXE for VGA only video cards in native 80x50 resolution
It also internally converts the 256 colors to the 16 colors suitable for a text mode screen.
The Smack My Marine Up (SMMU) source port incorporated a DOS text-based renderer.
Baron of Hell, rendered by SMMU's textmode
Cacodemon, rendered by SMMU's textmode
Cyberdemon, rendered by SMMU's textmode
Libcaca is a text-rendering library that can be plugged into a variety of other programs and renderers, including SDL. Doom was used as a demonstration of the library's novelty. The second image below is from Doom Legacy while the first image may also be from Doom Legacy but there is not enough information in the screenshot to determine if it is.
E1M1: Hangar (Doom), rendered using libcaca
libcaca support was removed in SDL 2.0, so you'll need to find a source port release based on the older SDL 1.2 codebase. For example older versions of Chocolate Doom (2.x series) are based on SDL 1.2 and will work. You may have to compile yourself.
To run once installed, set the SDL_VIDEODRIVER environment variable, eg.
export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=caca chocolate-doom