The Rebirth


The Rebirth
Title screen
Author Björn Ostmann
Port Vanilla Doom
Year 2003
Link Doomworld/idgames

The Rebirth is a 32-level megawad released by Björn Ostmann (Vader) in July of 2003. A bugfixed version was released a few weeks afterwards.

It features—next to the 32 new maps—sprite modifications for the baron of Hell and the Zombieman, as well as complete replacements of the Wolfenstein SS into a Snowman and Commander Keen into Mario.

In April 2020, a MIDI pack for it was released, replacing all tracks except those for maps 3, 10, 12, 15, and 32.


Built-in demos[edit]

This WAD features three built-in demos. All require Doom II v1.666 to view them. The demo levels are:

Demo Level Skill Tics Length
DEMO1 MAP09: The Depot 3 4704 2:14.40
DEMO2 MAP18: Death Pit 3 9648 4:35.66
DEMO3 MAP26: Burning Canals 3 7435 3:32.43


Current records[edit]

The DSDA episode records for The Rebirth are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
UV speed episode, MAP01-MAP10 13:01 psichotik 2010-04-01
UV max episode, MAP01-MAP10 23:47 Revved 2016-04-30
UV max run 1:52:45 Revved 2016-05-01 Requires turning off emulation of intercepts overflow

The data was last verified in its entirety on July 28, 2022.

External links[edit]