Titan (series)

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Titan, orbiting in front of Saturn.

Titan is a series of maps created by Jim Flynn. Its story takes place on the eponymous moon of the planet Saturn.


Although there are story-given hints to order the levels, the definitive level order is unknown, not being publicly announced by Flynn prior to his passing.


Mines of Titan
Dumped in the middle of a mining base on Titan, a moon of Saturn, you must acquire three keys to find the exit hidden in the mining headquarters. Since the natives are definitely NOT friendly an exit is a nice thing to find.
The Titan Anomaly
While exploring for new mines on Titan (someone fragged the old one - darn!) UAC discovered the remains of an alien base. A tight security lid was clamped on the find, referred to only vaguely as the Anomaly in reports. You've been assigned the job of breaking in and finding out what's going on.
A UAC research base and security garrison has grown up around the Anomaly, and you'll begin your visit in the Security Holding Area, where you'll be asked to show your papers. Too bad you don't have any. You'll need to explore the Vistor's Center (S), the Science Admin. Building (N), the Security Headquarters (E), and the Guard Barracks to gain the keys that'll allow you access to the Anomaly Research Area (W), where, if you're lucky, you may just find an exit back home.
The Farside of Titan
Given your success with the UAC mining base and the Anomaly investigation, it was inevitable that you get picked for this foray into the Titan Farside Research Base. Oh well. Rumours have it that some prototypes of alien technology are being tested here. Please investigate and report.
Titan Manor
A strange and enigmatic building on a moon of Saturn contains the latest in alien weapon technology. If you can survive the guards and solve the puzzles, the Federation will leapfrog in technology. It's all up to you. Oh and watch those windows! <G>.
Trapped on Titan
Every step you take may be your last. If it looks too easy, it probably isn't. Good luck - you'll need it <G>.
Trouble Titan
Well, you know the story. UAC keeps sending you different places on Titan to investigate various strange occurrences. You keep telling them that there are aliens on Titan. You reported this after nearly getting your head taken off in the Mines. You told them again when they lost the Anomaly site. Your investigation of the loss of communication at the Farside base also mentioned this. They're starting to believe you, I think, except for the Psychology department anyway - they're still holding out for their space psychosis theory. It's a compromise, you're being sent again, but as usual, you only get a pistol... just in case there aren't any aliens after all.

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