UV Tyson

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UV Tyson is a Compet-n speedrunning category and a Doom Honorific Title. The objective is to finish the level as quickly as possible in Ultra-Violence, killing every monster at least once, except lost souls, with the following restrictions: no weapons other than the fist, berserk fist, chainsaw, and pistol may be used. Picking up other weapons is permitted, but they may not be fired.

There exist collections of demos recorded with additional restrictions (on levels where they are possible), such as not becoming invulnerable, playing with fast monsters (also called "Grandmaster" or "GM Tyson" style), using only the fist and berserk fist, or using only the chainsaw. These distinctions are not recognized by Compet-N.

The style is named for former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson.

Current records[edit]

The data was last verified in its entirety on July 6, 2020.


Ultimate Doom[edit]

Map Time Player Date File Notes
E1M1: Hangar 00:47 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-01-02 t1m1-047.zip
E1M2: Nuclear Plant 02:26 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-03-30 t1m2-226.zip
E1M3: Toxin Refinery 05:18 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-04-04 t1m3-518.zip
E1M4: Command Control 04:10 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-04-04 t1m4-410.zip
E1M5: Phobos Lab 03:40 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-04-05 t1m5-340.zip
E1M6: Central Processing 10:25 Anders Johnsen 2002-11-19 t1m61025.zip
E1M7: Computer Station 04:07 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-04-05 t1m7-407.zip
E1M8: Phobos Anomaly 01:37 Oyvind Stenhaug 2002-04-08 t1m8-137.zip [IWADs 1]
E1M9: Military Base 04:36 Radek Pecka 2002-11-20 t1m9-436.zip
E2M1: Deimos Anomaly 04:54 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-04-06 t2m1-454.zip
E2M2: Containment Area 03:25 Radek Pecka 2003-06-07 t2m2-325.zip
E2M3: Refinery 03:02 Radek Pecka 2004-01-29 t2m3-302.zip
E2M4: Deimos Lab 03:46 Radek Pecka 2003-12-21 t2m4-346.zip
E2M5: Command Center 05:13 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-05-24 t2m5-513.zip
E2M6: Halls of the Damned 04:56 Radek Pecka 2004-01-29 t2m6-456.zip
E2M7: Spawning Vats 03:51 Radek Pecka 2004-01-30 t2m7-351.zip
E2M8: Tower of Babel 28:10 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-03-23 t2m82810.zip
E2M9: Fortress of Mystery 01:20 Anders Johnsen 1999-04-05 t2m9-120.zip
E3M1: Hell Keep 02:34 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-04-05 t3m1-234.zip
E3M2: Slough of Despair 02:07 Radek Pecka 2004-02-01 t3m2-207.zip
E3M3: Pandemonium 02:25 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-04-07 t3m3-225.zip
E3M4: House of Pain 06:22 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-04-07 t3m4-622.zip
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral 03:52 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-04-08 t3m5-352.zip
E3M6: Mt. Erebus 04:07 Radek Pecka 2001-07-15 t3m6-407.zip
E3M7: Limbo 04:31 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-05-17 t3m7-431.zip
E3M8: Dis 01:24 Joe Abene (DOOMMANN) 2000-04-30 t3m8-124.zip
E3M9: Warrens 07:08 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-04-03 t3m9-708.zip
E4M1: Hell Beneath 50:56 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2001-10-22 t4m15056.zip
E4M2: Perfect Hatred 08:16 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2005-08-06 t4m2-816.zip
E4M3: Sever the Wicked 05:19 Anders Johnsen 2002-11-21 t4m3-519.zip
E4M4: Unruly Evil 02:22 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-04-09 t4m4-222.zip
E4M5: They Will Repent 03:48 Anders Johnsen 2002-11-21 t4m5-348.zip
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly 29:24 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-01-26 t4m62924.zip
E4M7: And Hell Followed 06:12 Radek Pecka 2004-02-15 t4m7-612.zip
E4M8: Unto the Cruel 05:14 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-05-18 t4m8-514.zip
E4M9: Fear 03:49 Radek Pecka 2002-12-05 t4m9-349.zip

Doom II[edit]

Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: Entryway 00:41 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-06-02 ty01-041.zip
MAP02: Underhalls 02:57 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-01-29 ty02-257.zip
MAP03: The Gantlet 03:05 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-03-24 ty03-305.zip
MAP04: The Focus 05:15 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-07-23 ty04-515.zip
MAP05: The Waste Tunnels 04:16 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-02-01 ty05-416.zip
MAP06: The Crusher 15:43 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-05-02 ty061543.zip
MAP07: Dead Simple 07:12 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-04-02 ty07-712.zip
MAP08: Tricks and Traps 10:08 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-01-30 ty081008.zip
MAP09: The Pit 09:32 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-07-25 ty09-932.zip
MAP10: Refueling Base 16:46 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-02-08 ty101646.zip
MAP11: Circle of Death 27:22 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-07-31 ty112722.zip
MAP12: The Factory 14:22 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-07-22 ty121422.zip
MAP13: Downtown 07:35 Henning Skogstø 2003-01-21 ty13-735.zip
MAP14: The Inmost Dens 09:31 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-02-08 ty14-931.zip
MAP15: Industrial Zone 14:46 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-02-10 ty151446.zip
MAP16: Suburbs 07:33 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-07-24 ty16-733.zip
MAP17: Tenements 13:30 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-01-26 ty171330.zip
MAP18: The Courtyard 05:37 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-02-03 ty18-537.zip
MAP19: The Citadel 09:47 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-02-04 ty19-947.zip
MAP20: Gotcha! 07:54 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-02-08 ty20-754.zip
MAP21: Nirvana 09:34 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-02-24 ty21-934.zip
MAP22: The Catacombs 02:14 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-02-06 ty22-214.zip
MAP23: Barrels o' Fun 06:57 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-02-10 ty23-657.zip
MAP24: The Chasm 08:41 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-02-02 ty24-841.zip
MAP25: Bloodfalls 12:13 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-07-30 ty251213.zip
MAP26: The Abandoned Mines 23:46 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-02-03 ty262346.zip
MAP27: Monster Condo 16:30 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-01-24 ty271630.zip
MAP28: The Spirit World 07:46 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-01-31 ty28-746.zip
MAP29: The Living End 18:54 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-02-01 ty291854.zip
MAP30: Icon of Sin 01:30 Looper 2010-10-03 ty30-130.zip
MAP31: Wolfenstein 03:21 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-02-26 ty31-321.zip
MAP32: Grosse 01:08 Laszlo Vecsei (Waldon) 2000-11-19 ty32-108.zip

TNT: Evilution[edit]

Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: System Control 00:53 Radek Pecka 2002-08-09 et01-053.zip
MAP02: Human BBQ 07:33 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2012-07-14 et02-733.zip
MAP03: Power Control 05:26 j4rio 2012-07-23 et03-526.zip
MAP04: Wormhole 27:12 j4rio 2012-06-27 et042712.zip
MAP05: Hanger 16:14 j4rio 2012-07-06 et051614.zip
MAP06: Open Season 05:56 j4rio 2012-07-26 et06-556.zip
MAP07: Prison 17:02 j4rio 2012-07-15 et071702.zip
MAP08: Metal 14:24 j4rio 2012-09-08 et081424.zip
MAP09: Stronghold 34:30 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2001-10-19 et093430.zip
MAP10: Redemption 18:12 j4rio 2013-02-13 et101812.zip
MAP11: Storage Facility 06:24 j4rio 2013-02-16 et11-624.zip
MAP12: Crater 13:02 j4rio 2013-02-17 et121302.zip
MAP13: Nukage Processing 12:44 j4rio 2013-02-19 et131244.zip
MAP14: Steel Works 12:53 j4rio 2013-02-22 et141253.zip
MAP15: Dead Zone 12:17 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-01-18 et151217.zip
MAP16: Deepest Reaches 29:01 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-01-19 et162901.zip
MAP17: Processing Area 22:05 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-08-18 et172205.zip
MAP18: Mill [IWADs 2]
MAP19: Shipping/Respawning 33:04 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2004-12-16 et193304.zip
MAP20: Central Processing 43:37 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-11-10 et204337.zip
MAP21: Administration Center 51:37 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-11-01 et215137.zip
MAP22: Habitat 15:23 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-11-01 et221523.zip
MAP23: Lunar Mining Project 15:35 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2001-07-31 et231535.zip
MAP24: Quarry 07:58 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-02-23 et24-758.zip
MAP25: Baron's Den 29:44 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2004-12-10 et252944.zip
MAP26: Ballistyx 22:38 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2004-12-15 et262238.zip
MAP27: Mount Pain 51:21 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2004-12-09 et275121.zip
MAP28: Heck [IWADs 2]
MAP29: River Styx [IWADs 2]
MAP30: Last Call [IWADs 2]
MAP31: Pharaoh 45:03 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2008-02-20 et314503.zip [IWADs 3]
MAP32: Caribbean [IWADs 2]

The Plutonia Experiment[edit]

A total of ten Plutonia levels contain berserk packs, and only four contain chainsaws. Because of this (and supplemented by the advanced difficulty of the megawad in overall), speedrunning most Plutonia levels in Tyson represents a serious challenge.

Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: Congo 24:43 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-02-05 pt012443.zip
MAP02: Well of Souls 09:27 vdgg 2017-12-16 pt02-927.zip
MAP03: Aztec 19:27 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-05-09 pt031927.zip
MAP04: Caged 04:42 Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) 2002-04-16 pt04-442.zip
MAP05: Ghost Town 45:37 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2004-12-18 pt054537.zip
MAP06: Baron's Lair 25:48 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-04-04 pt062548.zip
MAP07: Caughtyard 36:08 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-04-01 pt073608.zip
MAP08: Realm 35:22 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-03-28 pt083522.zip
MAP09: Abattoire [IWADs 2]
MAP10: Onslaught 48:02 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-04-03 pt104802.zip
MAP11: Hunted 04:20 M. Phoenix Dailey (Archy) 2012-02-15 pt11-420.zip [IWADs 4]
MAP12: Speed [IWADs 2]
MAP13: The Crypt [IWADs 2]
MAP14: Genesis 17:51 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-04-05 pt141751.zip
MAP15: The Twilight 17:58 Aqfaq 2006-05-14 pt151758.zip
MAP16: The Omen [IWADs 2]
MAP17: Compound 14:47 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-03-31 pt171447.zip
MAP18: Neurosphere 04:36 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-01-29 pt18-436.zip
MAP19: NME [IWADs 2]
MAP20: The Death Domain 21:40 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-03-26 pt202140.zip
MAP21: Slayer [IWADs 2]
MAP22: Impossible Mission [IWADs 2]
MAP23: Tombstone [IWADs 2]
MAP24: The Final Frontier [IWADs 2]
MAP25: The Temple of Darkness [IWADs 2]
MAP26: Bunker 47:43 vdgg 2012-05-12 pt264743.zip
MAP27: Anti-Christ [IWADs 2]
MAP28: The Sewers [IWADs 2]
MAP29: Odyssey of Noises [IWADs 2]
MAP30: The Gateway of Hell [IWADs 2]
MAP31: Cyberden 37:22 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-03-23 pt313722.zip
MAP32: Go 2 It [IWADs 2]


  1. A demo may qualify for inclusion in the Compet-n archive by tallying 63% kills, as the last room in this level is considered a bit unfair.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 No qualifying run verified and published, as of the most recent Compet-n database update.
  3. Players are permitted to use the official patch file (see yellow keycard bug for details) when recording demos for this level.
  4. A demo may qualify for inclusion in the Compet-n archive by tallying 77% kills, as the last room in this level is considered a bit unfair.


Hell Revealed[edit]

Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: Into the Gate 01:48 Laszlo Gere (Slade) 2014-02-15 ht01-148.zip
MAP02: Gateway Lab 09:47 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-04-27 ht02-947.zip
MAP03: The Dumpster 05:21 Jakub Machata (DooMerMan) 2003-05-05 ht03-521.zip
MAP04: The Garden Terminal 07:02 Jakub Machata (DooMerMan) 2003-07-01 ht04-702.zip
MAP05: Core Infection 22:10 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-01-03 ht052210.zip
MAP06: The Round Crossroads 19:46 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-01-02 ht061946.zip
MAP07: Arachnophobia
MAP08: The Jail 17:12 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-01-03 ht081712.zip
MAP09: Knockout 16:26 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-01-07 ht091626.zip
MAP10: Chambers of War 15:21 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2001-12-29 ht101521.zip
MAP11: Underground Base
MAP12: Great Halls of Fire
MAP13: Last Look at Eden
MAP14: City in the Clouds
MAP15: Gates to Hell
MAP16: The Path
MAP17: The Black Towers
MAP18: Hard Attack
MAP19: Everything Dies
MAP20: Judgement Day
MAP21: Siege 21:28 Alexander Sushkov 1999-07-14 ht212128.zip
MAP22: Resistance is Futile
MAP23: Ascending to the Stars
MAP24: Post Mortem
MAP25: Dead Progressive
MAP26: Afterlife
MAP27: Cyberpunk
MAP28: Top Hell
MAP29: Temple of Fear
MAP30: Hell Revealed
MAP31: The Descent
MAP32: Mostly Harmful


Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: The Gateway 00:44 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2004-04-14 rt01-044.zip
MAP02: Sacrificium 02:58 Tatsuya Ito (Tatsurd-cacocaco) 2010-03-22 rt02-258.zip
MAP03: Poison Processing 18:45 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2001-09-28 rt031845.zip
MAP04: Fireworks 31:02 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2004-04-05 rt043102.zip
MAP05: The Canyon 34:15 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2004-06-01 rt053415.zip
MAP06: nataS ot etubirT 37:46 vdgg 2010-07-01 rt063746.zip
MAP07: Hell's Gift
MAP08: The Reactor 22:31 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-02-02 rt082231.zip
MAP09: Deep Down Below
MAP10: The Black Gate 14:54 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-04-08 rt101454.zip
MAP11: Rats in the Walls 10:42 vdgg 2011-06-24 rt111042.zip
MAP12: Militant Reprisal
MAP13: Town of the Dead 22:48 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-01-30 rt132248.zip
MAP14: The Portal 17:11 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-01-31 rt141711.zip
MAP15: Last Resort
MAP16: Escape from Chaos 27:36 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-02-03 rt162736.zip
MAP17: Dens of Iniquity 34:14 vdgg 2011-11-10 rt173414.zip
MAP18: Base of Thorn
MAP19: Skinny Puppy
MAP20: The Forsaken Hall 02:14 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2015-04-22 rt20-214.zip
MAP21: Den of the Skull
MAP22: Arachnophobia
MAP23: Hatred
MAP24: Procrustes Chambers 23:45 vdgg 2015-07-12 rt242345.zip
MAP25: Chaos Zone
MAP26: Excoriation 02:13 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2004-04-16 rt26-213.zip
MAP27: Cursed Kingdom
MAP28: Fetals' Remains
MAP29: Downer
MAP30: Nevermore 04:20 vdgg 2012-11-02 rt30-420.zip
MAP31: Doorway to Quake 13:21 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-02-08 rt311321.zip
MAP32: Bitter Herb 09:38 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-02-08 rt32-938.zip

Memento Mori[edit]

Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: The Teleporter 02:57 vdgg 2015-03-11 mm01t257.zip
MAP02: The Bridge 12:04 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2001-07-20 mm021204.zip
MAP03: Interlock 02:29 vdgg 2016-07-04 mm03t229.zip
MAP04: The Stand 13:55 Andrey Boldt (Hitherto) 2009-10-02 mm041355.zip
MAP05: Hell's Kitchen
MAP06: The Powerstation 13:07 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2005-07-17 mm061307.zip
MAP07: Not That Simple 15:06 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2005-12-31 mm071506.zip
MAP08: And the Dead Shall Rise
MAP09: High-Tech Grave 38:54 vdgg 2012-02-02 mm093854.zip
MAP10: The Mansion 17:00 vdgg 2009-11-10 mm101700.zip
MAP11: Halls of Insanity
MAP12: Kinetics
MAP13: The Inmost Dens II 40:42 vdgg 2011-07-18 mm134042.zip
MAP14: Aquaduct
MAP15: Karmacoma
MAP16: Stoned
MAP17: House of Thorn 23:17 vdgg 2012-07-26 mm172317.zip
MAP18: A Dead Man's Town
MAP19: Maltraiter 18:34 Revved 2011-11-09 mm191834.zip
MAP20: Mountain Depot 12:17 vdgg 2016-07-02 mm201217.zip
MAP21: Twilight Lab
MAP22: The Escape
MAP23: Showdown
MAP24: Diehard
MAP25: Cesspool
MAP26: Between Scattered Corpses
MAP27: Fort Hades 29:37 vdgg 2009-11-14 mm272937.zip
MAP28: City of the Unavenged
MAP29: Island of Death
MAP30: Viper
MAP31: Technology Base
MAP32: The Hidden Slime Factory

Memento Mori II[edit]

Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: Outpost 02:15 Revved 2010-05-23 m2s1t215.zip
MAP02: The Feeding Pit 02:53 Radek Pecka 2002-11-29 m202t253.zip
MAP03: ...And Hell Beneath 21:12 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2018-12-24 m2032112.zip
MAP04: Ratamahatta 17:32 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-01-11 m2041732.zip
MAP05: Rites of Passage 27:51 vdgg 2013-10-13 m2052751.zip
MAP06: Trapped 31:51 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2019-05-01 m2063151.zip
MAP07: Frustration 11:01 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2018-12-01 m2071101.zip
MAP08: Stigmata 28:25 vdgg 2011-11-08 m2082825.zip
MAP09: Sabbath Sewer 41:13 vdgg 2009-11-03 m2094113.zip
MAP10: Clear for Death
MAP11: Sewer Shutdown 21:49 vdgg 2009-06-30 m2112149.zip
MAP12: The Waterway 34:01 vdgg 2009-06-25 m2123401.zip
MAP13: Devils Paradise 33:44 vdgg 2011-10-18 m2133344.zip
MAP14: A Question of Time 48:05 vdgg 2011-01-28 m2144805.zip
MAP15: The Devil's Coterie
MAP16: The Nephilim
MAP17: No One 42:33 vdgg 2011-01-16 m2174233.zip
MAP18: Regulate 32:47 vdgg 2009-08-11 m2183247.zip
MAP19: The Shaft
MAP20: The Experiment
MAP21: Sanctuary
MAP22: R.R.F. Refinary
MAP23: No Way Out 51:33 vdgg 2015-06-22 m2235133.zip
MAP24: Io Lab 48:41 vdgg 2016-07-06 m2244841.zip
MAP25: Forgotten Town
MAP26: Base Exposure
MAP27: The Silos
MAP28: Corporate Hell
MAP29: Kings of Metal 41:57 vdgg 2012-11-25 m2294157.zip
MAP30: It
MAP31: DejaVu 08:33 Anthony Soto (Swedish Fish) 2003-02-24 m231t833.zip
MAP32: Dances with Demons 07:25 vdgg 2011-08-26 m232t725.zip
MAP01: Secret Operation 1 02:15 Revved 2010-05-23 m2s1t215.zip
MAP02: Secret Operation 2

The Classic Episode[edit]

Map Time Player Date File Notes
E2M1: Foray 02:38 Ranjo Kahluff (Mummi) 2002-11-14 ct21-238.zip
E2M2: Mars Outpost
E2M3: The Deimos Complex 10:10 Radek Pecka 2002-11-27 ct231010.zip
E2M4: The Evil Base 10:47 Radek Pecka 2002-11-27 ct241047.zip
E2M5: Deimos Observatory 07:58 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-11-27 ct25-758.zip
E2M6: Outpost 666
E2M7: A Place of Sin 11:19 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-02-04 ct271119.zip
E2M8: Evil Refinery
E2M9: Dissension

Alien Vendetta[edit]

Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: Sunset 02:10 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2005-07-30 at01-210.zip
MAP02: Rusty Rage 14:14 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2005-08-08 at021414.zip
MAP03: Cargo Depot 13:22 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2005-07-29 at031322.zip
MAP04: Seclusion 11:02 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2005-08-07 at041102.zip
MAP05: Crimson Tide 05:18 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2005-08-07 at05-518.zip
MAP06: Hillside Siege 30:37 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-04-27 at063037.zip
MAP07: Showdown
MAP08: Beast Island 31:36 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-04-24 at083136.zip
MAP09: Castle Gardens 10:37 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-04-24 at091037.zip
MAP10: Toxic Touch 38:07 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-04-26 at103807.zip
MAP11: Nemesis
MAP12: Entropy 28:24 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-05-01 at122824.zip
MAP13: Suicidal Tendencies
MAP14: Overwhelming Odds
MAP15: Bulls on Parade
MAP16: Mutual Destruction
MAP17: Nukefall
MAP18: Lake Poison
MAP19: Alien Resurrection
MAP20: Misri Halek
MAP21: One Flew Over The Caco's Nest 11:22 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-04-04 at211122.zip
MAP22: Rubicon
MAP23: Blood Sacrifice
MAP24: Clandestine Complex
MAP25: Demonic Hordes
MAP26: Dark Dome
MAP27: Stench of Evil
MAP28: Whispering Shadows
MAP29: Fire Walk With Me
MAP30: Point Dreadful
MAP31: Killer Colours
MAP32: No Guts No Glory


Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: Get Going
MAP02: Punchline
MAP03: Up and Around
MAP04: Lost Warehouse
MAP05: Slimy Tunnels
MAP06: Pressure Point
MAP07: Deadly
MAP08: Garden Base
MAP09: Computer Storage
MAP10: The Lords
MAP11: Sneak Peak
MAP12: Walk in the Park
MAP13: Subverted Base
MAP14: Power Outage
MAP15: Blood Bath
MAP16: Burial Grounds
MAP17: Book Lords
MAP18: M/S Futura
MAP19: 3000 AD
MAP20: The Starport
MAP21: Solitude
MAP22: Despair
MAP23: Anger
MAP24: Hatred
MAP25: Envy
MAP26: Fear
MAP27: Terror
MAP28: Run From It
MAP29: Hell on Earth
MAP30: Fire and Ice
MAP31: I Dunno Torn
MAP32: Enoz Soahc