UV speed

From DoomWiki.org

UV speed is a Compet-n speedrunning category. The objective is to finish the level as quickly as possible on Ultra-Violence.

Current records[edit]

The data was last verified in its entirety on November 22, 2020.


Ultimate Doom[edit]

Map Time Player Date File Notes
E1M1: Hangar 00:09 Thomas Pilger (Panter) 1998-09-28 e1m1-009.zip
E1M2: Nuclear Plant 00:22 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-01-08 e1m2-022.zip
E1M3: Toxin Refinery (normal exit) 00:40 Jonathan Rimmer 2001-04-08 e1m3-040.zip
E1M3: Toxin Refinery (secret exit) 00:45 Adam Williamson 2000-12-18 e1m3s045.zip
E1M4: Command Control 00:12 Adam Hegyi 2001-04-11 e1m4-012.zip
E1M5: Phobos Lab 00:55 Adam Williamson 2000-12-30 e1m5-055.zip
E1M6: Central Processing 00:56 Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) 2013-07-12 e1m6-056.zip
E1M7: Computer Station 01:15 Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) 2002-10-13 e1m7-115.zip
E1M8: Phobos Anomaly 00:23 Jean-Charles Dorne (JCD) 2015-03-04 e1m8-023.zip
E1M9: Military Base 00:29 Vincent Catalaá (Peroxyd) 1999-10-30 e1m9-029.zip
E2M1: Deimos Anomaly 00:36 Adam Hegyi 1999-09-03 e2m1-036.zip
E2M2: Containment Area 00:14 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2000-05-12 e2m2-014.zip
E2M3: Refinery 00:25 Hi Jango 2006-01-10 e2m3-025.zip
E2M4: Deimos Lab 00:39 Adam Hegyi 2001-04-16 e2m4-039.zip
E2M5: Command Center (normal exit) 00:27 Adam Hegyi 2001-07-02 e2m5-027.zip
E2M5: Command Center (secret exit) 00:24 Jonathan Rimmer 2000-08-03 e2m5s024.zip
E2M6: Halls of the Damned 00:24 Jean-Charles Dorne (JCD) 2012-11-02 e2m6-024.zip
E2M7: Spawning Vats 00:15 Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) 2005-04-22 e2m7-015.zip
E2M8: Tower of Babel [IWADs 1]
E2M9: Fortress of Mystery 00:06 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2000-05-15 e2m9-006.zip
E3M1: Hell Keep 00:28 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-12-12 e3m1-028.zip
E3M2: Slough of Despair 00:12 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2002-12-25 e3m2-012.zip
E3M3: Pandemonium 00:22 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2004-03-20 e3m3-022.zip
E3M4: House of Pain 00:38 Hi Jango 2005-09-26 e3m4-038.zip
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral 00:23 Juho Ruohonen (ocelot) 2004-01-10 e3m5-023.zip
E3M6: Mt. Erebus (normal exit) 00:28 Jonathan Rimmer 2000-06-01 e3m6-028.zip
E3M6: Mt. Erebus (secret exit) 00:06 Adam Hegyi 1998-10-05 e3m6s006.zip
E3M7: Limbo 00:55 Hi Jango 2005-08-23 e3m7-055.zip
E3M8: Dis 00:28 Tatsuya Ito (Tatsurd-cacocaco) 2019-02-09 e3m8-028.zip
E3M9: Warrens 01:04 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-12-08 e3m9-104.zip
E4M1: Hell Beneath 00:25 Vincent Catalaá (Peroxyd) 2000-12-18 u4m1-025.zip
E4M2: Perfect Hatred (normal exit) 00:16 Adam Williamson 2001-03-16 u4m2-016.zip
E4M2: Perfect Hatred (secret exit) 00:20 Adam Williamson 2001-03-16 u4m2s020.zip
E4M3: Sever the Wicked 00:08 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2002-11-14 u4m3-008.zip
E4M4: Unruly Evil 00:34 cack_handed 2006-12-14 u4m4-034.zip
E4M5: They Will Repent 00:25 Adam Hegyi 1999-07-25 u4m5-025.zip
E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly 01:14 Tatsuya Ito (Tatsurd-cacocaco) 2015-01-07 u4m6-114.zip
E4M7: And Hell Followed 00:09 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2004-03-10 u4m7-009.zip
E4M8: Unto the Cruel 00:49 Andy Kempling (aurikan) 1999-06-22 u4m8-049.zip
E4M9: Fear 00:08 Hi Jango 2006-01-19 u4m9-008.zip

Doom II[edit]

Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: Entryway 00:05 Thomas Pilger (Panter) 1998-03-30 lv01-005.zip
MAP02: Underhalls 00:40 Adam Williamson 2001-12-16 lv02-040.zip
MAP03: The Gantlet 00:18 xepop 2012-01-23 lv03-018.zip
MAP04: The Focus 00:28 Vincent Catalaá (Peroxyd) 1999-10-30 lv04-028.zip
MAP05: The Waste Tunnels 00:23 Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) 2005-04-24 lv05-023.zip
MAP06: The Crusher 00:54 Henning Skogstø 2000-04-24 lv06-054.zip
MAP07: Dead Simple 00:04 Maëllig Desmottes (Ch0wW) 2018-02-22 lv07-004.zip
MAP08: Tricks and Traps 00:22 Jonathan Rimmer 2000-04-08 lv08-022.zip
MAP09: The Pit 01:01 Vaclav Kunes (bolton) 2001-07-24 lv09-101.zip
MAP10: Refueling Base 00:25 Juho Ruohonen (ocelot) 2003-12-19 lv10-025.zip
MAP11: Circle of Death 00:34 Ian Sabourin (sslasher) 2001-12-07 lv11-034.zip
MAP12: The Factory 00:42 Looper 2011-09-30 lv12-042.zip
MAP13: Downtown 01:00 Vincent Catalaá (Peroxyd) 2001-04-05 lv13-100.zip
MAP14: The Inmost Dens 00:20 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2002-04-29 lv14-020.zip
MAP15: Industrial Zone (normal exit) 01:22 Laszlo Vecsei (Waldon) 2002-03-05 lv15-122.zip
MAP15: Industrial Zone (secret exit) 00:29 Hi Jango 2005-10-13 lv15s029.zip
MAP16: Suburbs 00:11 Adam Hegyi 2001-03-24 lv16-011.zip
MAP17: Tenements 01:23 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2019-04-24 lv17-123.zip
MAP18: The Courtyard 00:21 Juho Ruohonen (ocelot) 2004-01-06 lv18-021.zip
MAP19: The Citadel 00:36 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2002-07-18 lv19-036.zip
MAP20: Gotcha! 00:34 Ian Sabourin (sslasher) 2002-01-07 lv20-034.zip
MAP21: Nirvana 00:17 Vincent Catalaá (Peroxyd) 2001-11-21 lv21-017.zip
MAP22: The Catacombs 00:37 Vincent Catalaá (Peroxyd) 2000-01-09 lv22-037.zip
MAP23: Barrels o' Fun 00:45 Adam Hegyi 2000-09-19 lv23-045.zip
MAP24: The Chasm 00:32 Looper 2011-08-20 pa24-032.zip
MAP25: Bloodfalls 00:43 Adam Hegyi 2000-08-28 lv25-043.zip
MAP26: The Abandoned Mines 00:41 Vincent Catalaá (Peroxyd) 2000-08-18 lv26-041.zip
MAP27: Monster Condo 00:11 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2002-10-27 lv27-011.zip
MAP28: The Spirit World 00:40 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2003-02-01 lv28-040.zip
MAP29: The Living End 01:38 Laurent Sebellin (Squonk) 2008-05-02 lv29-138.zip
MAP30: Icon of Sin [IWADs 1]
MAP31: Wolfenstein (normal exit) 00:29 Looper 2011-02-07 lv31-029.zip
MAP31: Wolfenstein (secret exit) 00:32 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2002-11-16 lv31s032.zip
MAP32: Grosse 00:11 Adam Hegyi 2002-04-10 lv32-011.zip

TNT: Evilution[edit]

Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: System Control 00:26 Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) 2005-10-01 ev01-026.zip
MAP02: Human BBQ 00:38 Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) 2005-10-04 ev02-038.zip
MAP03: Power Control 00:55 Vincent Catalaá (Peroxyd) 2001-01-10 ev03-055.zip
MAP04: Wormhole 00:12 Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) 2001-10-09 ev04-012.zip
MAP05: Hanger 01:05 Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) 2005-10-10 ev05-105.zip
MAP06: Open Season 02:09 Juho Ruohonen (ocelot) 2001-11-08 ev06-209.zip
MAP07: Prison 00:45 Chris Felix (DevastatioN) 2004-04-24 ev07-045.zip
MAP08: Metal 02:00 Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) 2005-10-10 ev08-200.zip
MAP09: Stronghold 02:41 Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) 2005-10-11 ev09-241.zip
MAP10: Redemption 00:57 Radek Pecka 2003-03-02 ev10-057.zip
MAP11: Storage Facility 00:17 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-11-18 ev11-017.zip
MAP12: Crater 00:39 Juho Ruohonen (ocelot) 2004-01-05 ev12-039.zip
MAP13: Nukage Processing 01:01 Chris Felix (DevastatioN) 2005-01-04 ev13-101.zip
MAP14: Steel Works 01:33 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-08-04 ev14-133.zip
MAP15: Dead Zone (normal exit) 00:15 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2002-12-10 ev15-015.zip
MAP15: Dead Zone (secret exit) 00:12 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-11-17 ev15s012.zip
MAP16: Deepest Reaches 01:19 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-03-15 ev16-119.zip
MAP17: Processing Area 00:08 Aleksey Kamenev (4shockblast) 2013-07-18 ev17-008.zip
MAP18: Mill 01:33 Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) 2005-04-24 ev18-133.zip
MAP19: Shipping/Respawning 00:50 Vincent Catalaá (Peroxyd) 2001-12-20 ev19-050.zip
MAP20: Central Processing 02:39 Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) 2002-03-31 ev20-239.zip
MAP21: Administration Center 02:20 Chris Felix (DevastatioN) 2003-01-22 ev21-220.zip
MAP22: Habitat 00:17 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2004-05-01 ev22-017.zip
MAP23: Lunar Mining Project 00:28 Kyle McAwesome 2012-08-06 ev23-028.zip
MAP24: Quarry 00:12 Adam Hegyi 2000-11-26 ev24-012.zip
MAP25: Baron's Den 01:53 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-08-20 ev25-153.zip
MAP26: Ballistyx 02:03 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-08-11 ev26-203.zip
MAP27: Mount Pain 01:58 Tatsuya Ito (Tatsurd-cacocaco) 2008-10-06 ev27-158.zip
MAP28: Heck 01:18 Vincent Catalaá (Peroxyd) 2001-01-10 ev28-118.zip
MAP29: River Styx 01:48 Jakub Razák (method_man) 2003-05-15 ev29-148.zip
MAP30: Last Call 01:24 Jean-Charles Dorne (JCD) 2011-12-14 ev30-124.zip
MAP31: Pharaoh (normal exit) 00:28 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-02-14 ev31-028.zip
MAP31: Pharaoh (secret exit) 00:32 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-02-14 ev31s032.zip
MAP32: Caribbean 01:56 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-03-16 ev32-156.zip

The Plutonia Experiment[edit]

Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: Congo 00:10 Jean-Charles Dorne (JCD) 2016-09-02 pl01-010.zip
MAP02: Well of Souls 00:50 Vincent Catalaá (Peroxyd) 2001-11-12 pl02-050.zip
MAP03: Aztec 01:01 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2005-07-20 pl03-101.zip
MAP04: Caged 00:43 Vincent Catalaá (Peroxyd) 2001-10-28 pl04-043.zip
MAP05: Ghost Town 00:27 Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) 2001-10-18 pl05-027.zip
MAP06: Baron's Lair 01:04 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-09-25 pl06-104.zip
MAP07: Caughtyard 00:20 xepop 2010-01-05 pl07-020.zip
MAP08: Realm 00:18 Aleksey Kamenev (4shockblast) 2014-08-11 pp08-018.zip
MAP09: Abattoire 00:49 Aleksey Kamenev (4shockblast) 2014-07-12 pl09-049.zip
MAP10: Onslaught 00:19 Juho Ruohonen (ocelot) 2004-01-19 pl10-019.zip
MAP11: Hunted 00:49 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2004-02-05 pl11-049.zip
MAP12: Speed 00:06 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2002-10-16 pl12-006.zip
MAP13: The Crypt 00:39 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-02-22 pl13-039.zip
MAP14: Genesis 00:14 Jean-Charles Dorne (JCD) 2015-06-15 pl14-014.zip
MAP15: The Twilight (normal exit) 00:23 Aleksey Kamenev (4shockblast) 2014-07-10 pp15-023.zip
MAP15: The Twilight (secret exit) 00:26 Adam Williamson 2000-04-09 pl15s026.zip
MAP16: The Omen 00:20 Juho Ruohonen (ocelot) 2001-10-20 pp16-020.zip
MAP17: Compound 00:08 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2001-12-16 pl17-008.zip
MAP18: Neurosphere 00:06 Adam Hegyi 2000-09-28 pl18-006.zip
MAP19: NME 00:21 cack_handed 2006-10-04 pl19-021.zip
MAP20: The Death Domain 00:43 Adam Williamson 2002-02-19 pl20-043.zip
MAP21: Slayer 00:04 Looper 2011-12-14 pp21-004.zip
MAP22: Impossible Mission 01:11 Vincent Catalaá (Peroxyd) 2001-11-03 pl22-111.zip
MAP23: Tombstone 01:31 Adam Williamson 2003-03-09 pl23-131.zip
MAP24: The Final Frontier 00:17 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2004-03-02 pl24-017.zip
MAP25: The Temple of Darkness 00:20 Jean-Charles Dorne (JCD) 2013-10-31 pl25-020.zip
MAP26: Bunker 00:45 Karim El-Sheikh (Kimo Xvirus) 2009-07-27 pl26-045.zip
MAP27: Anti-Christ 00:48 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-01-16 pl27-048.zip
MAP28: The Sewers 01:32 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-06-12 pl28-132.zip
MAP29: Odyssey of Noises 01:07 Vincent Catalaá (Peroxyd) 1999-11-01 pl29-107.zip
MAP30: The Gateway of Hell 00:26 error 2010-02-02 pl30-026.zip
MAP31: Cyberden 02:45 Adam Williamson 2003-03-26 pp31-245.zip
MAP32: Go 2 It 00:52 Karim El-Sheikh (Kimo Xvirus) 2009-07-20 pl32-052.zip


  1. 1.0 1.1 For these levels, the requirements of UV speed and UV max are equivalent, so only the latter category is tabulated by Compet-n.


Hell Revealed[edit]

Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: Into the Gate 00:07 Adam Hegyi 2001-02-08 hr01-007.zip
MAP02: Gateway Lab 00:11 xepop 2009-12-07 hr02-011.zip
MAP03: The Dumpster 00:56 Adam Williamson 2003-03-17 hr03-056.zip
MAP04: The Garden Terminal 00:36 Jakub Machata (DooMerMan) 2003-03-29 hr04-036.zip
MAP05: Core Infection 02:12 Jakub Machata (DooMerMan) 2003-07-25 hr05-212.zip
MAP06: The Round Crossroads 01:12 Jakub Machata (DooMerMan) 2003-06-25 hr06-112.zip
MAP07: Arachnophobia 04:08 Jakub Machata (DooMerMan) 2003-07-04 hr07-408.zip
MAP08: The Jail 00:22 Kristian Ronge 2006-10-31 hr08-022.zip
MAP09: Knockout 01:01 Jakub Machata (DooMerMan) 2003-08-31 hr09-101.zip
MAP10: Chambers of War 00:36 Jakub Machata (DooMerMan) 2003-09-29 hr10-036.zip
MAP11: Underground Base 06:46 Chris Ratcliff (Ryback) 2005-05-29 hr11-646.zip
MAP12: Great Halls of Fire 00:51 xepop 2009-12-16 hr12-051.zip
MAP13: Last Look at Eden 01:06 Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) 2002-05-01 hr13-106.zip
MAP14: City in the Clouds 01:40 xepop 2009-12-04 hr14-140.zip
MAP15: Gates to Hell (normal exit) 00:20 cack_handed 2007-04-11 hp15-020.zip
MAP15: Gates to Hell (secret exit) 00:45 Jakub Machata (DooMerMan) 2003-09-02 hr15s045.zip
MAP16: The Path 03:02 Casey Alvis (Altima Mantoid) 2002-09-05 hr16-302.zip
MAP17: The Black Towers 03:46 Tatsuya Ito (Tatsurd-cacocaco) 2010-01-15 hr17-346.zip
MAP18: Hard Attack 03:48 Chris Ratcliff (Ryback) 2003-02-23 hr18-348.zip
MAP19: Everything Dies 00:23 Karim El-Sheikh (Kimo Xvirus) 2009-07-25 hr19-023.zip
MAP20: Judgement Day
MAP21: Siege 00:24 Karim El-Sheikh (Kimo Xvirus) 2011-12-31 hr21-024.zip
MAP22: Resistance is Futile
MAP23: Ascending to the Stars
MAP24: Post Mortem 00:17 Karim El-Sheikh (Kimo Xvirus) 2011-12-31 hr24-017.zip
MAP25: Dead Progressive 01:51 Casey Alvis (Altima Mantoid) 2003-10-11 hr25-151.zip
MAP26: Afterlife 00:04 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2002-01-21 hr26-004.zip
MAP27: Cyberpunk 00:57 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2002-01-23 hr27-057.zip
MAP28: Top Hell 00:13 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2002-01-25 hr28-013.zip
MAP29: Temple of Fear
MAP30: Hell Revealed 00:27 Adam Hegyi 2001-03-24 hr30-027.zip
MAP31: The Descent (normal exit) 02:18 Eugene Kapustin 2004-03-30 hr31-218.zip
MAP31: The Descent (secret exit) 02:05 Eugene Kapustin 2004-03-30 hr31s205.zip
MAP32: Mostly Harmful 00:41 Tatsuya Ito (Tatsurd-cacocaco) 2009-04-25 hr32-041.zip


Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: The Gateway 00:11 Adam Hegyi 2001-03-28 rq01-011.zip
MAP02: Sacrificium 00:24 cack_handed 2006-11-04 rq02-024.zip
MAP03: Poison Processing 00:52 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2009-06-21 rq03-052.zip
MAP04: Fireworks 01:18 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2008-03-24 rq04-118.zip
MAP05: The Canyon 03:30 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-01-21 rq05-330.zip
MAP06: nataS ot etubirT 04:13 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-04-12 rq06-413.zip
MAP07: Hell's Gift 01:12 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2020-02-18 rq07-112.zip
MAP08: The Reactor 06:47 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-12-23 rq08-647.zip
MAP09: Deep Down Below 01:49 Artem Safronov (SAV88) 2007-09-29 rq09-149.zip
MAP10: The Black Gate 00:48 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2004-05-18 rq10-048.zip
MAP11: Rats in the Walls 00:41 Radek Pecka 2002-12-26 rq11-041.zip
MAP12: Militant Reprisal 01:50 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-01-23 rq12-150.zip
MAP13: Town of the Dead 04:34 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-06-28 rq13-434.zip
MAP14: The Portal 02:48 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2015-04-22 rq14-248.zip
MAP15: Last Resort (normal exit) 06:27 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-06-29 rq15-627.zip
MAP15: Last Resort (secret exit) 04:40 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-06-28 rq15s440.zip
MAP16: Escape from Chaos 06:03 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2001-12-22 rq16-603.zip
MAP17: Dens of Iniquity 02:06 David Ficenec (mr.twister) 2003-03-14 rq17-206.zip
MAP18: Base of Thorn 02:52 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2004-06-19 rq18-252.zip
MAP19: Skinny Puppy 00:50 Adam Hegyi 2002-04-23 rq19-050.zip
MAP20: The Forsaken Hall 00:10 Adam Hegyi 2001-06-23 rq20-010.zip
MAP21: Den of the Skull 04:56 vdgg 2013-04-06 rq21-456.zip
MAP22: Arachnophobia 03:18 Adam Williamson 2001-12-22 rq22-318.zip
MAP23: Hatred 01:49 xepop 2010-08-08 rq23-149.zip
MAP24: Procrustes Chambers 00:41 cack_handed 2006-11-06 rq24-041.zip
MAP25: Chaos Zone 00:31 Laszlo Vecsei (Waldon) 2002-04-11 rq25-031.zip
MAP26: Excoriation 00:07 Adam Hegyi 2001-03-10 rq26-007.zip
MAP27: Cursed Kingdom 04:49 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-06-25 rq27-449.zip
MAP28: Fetals' Remains 00:59 Jakub Razák (method_man) 2003-09-21 rq28-059.zip
MAP29: Downer 05:07 vdgg 2013-04-07 rq29-507.zip
MAP30: Nevermore 00:15 Karim El-Sheikh (Kimo Xvirus) 2009-12-14 rq30-015.zip
MAP31: Doorway to Quake (normal exit) 01:25 Eugene Kapustin 2003-10-02 rq31-125.zip
MAP31: Doorway to Quake (secret exit) 01:15 Eugene Kapustin 2003-10-01 rq31s115.zip
MAP32: Bitter Herb 00:13 Karim El-Sheikh (Kimo Xvirus) 2009-08-29 rq32-013.zip

Memento Mori[edit]

Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: The Teleporter 00:42 Adam Hegyi 2001-03-27 mm01-042.zip
MAP02: The Bridge 01:14 Adam Williamson 2001-03-26 mm02-114.zip
MAP03: Interlock 00:33 Adam Williamson 2001-03-27 mm03-033.zip
MAP04: The Stand 02:24 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2005-07-12 mm04-224.zip
MAP05: Hell's Kitchen 00:48 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2002-07-16 mm05-048.zip
MAP06: The Powerstation 01:01 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2005-07-14 mm06-101.zip
MAP07: Not That Simple 03:08 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2005-12-18 mm07-308.zip
MAP08: And the Dead Shall Rise 00:17 Adam Hegyi 2002-04-11 mm08-017.zip
MAP09: High-Tech Grave 02:17 Andrey Boldt (Hitherto) 2007-09-08 mm09-217.zip
MAP10: The Mansion 00:24 Adam Hegyi 2001-09-07 mm10-024.zip
MAP11: Halls of Insanity 00:30 Tatsuya Ito (Tatsurd-cacocaco) 2010-02-08 mm11-030.zip
MAP12: Kinetics 02:46 Revved 2011-06-13 mm12-246.zip
MAP13: The Inmost Dens II 03:37 Oyvind Stenhaug 2002-04-22 mm13-337.zip
MAP14: Aquaduct 01:01 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-01-22 mm14-101.zip
MAP15: Karmacoma (normal exit) 02:55 Oyvind Stenhaug 2002-12-20 mm15-255.zip
MAP15: Karmacoma (secret exit) 02:28 Oyvind Stenhaug 2001-06-12 mm15s228.zip
MAP16: Stoned 01:58 Oyvind Stenhaug 2003-03-27 mm16-158.zip
MAP17: House of Thorn 01:57 Kristian Ronge 2005-09-09 mm17-157.zip
MAP18: A Dead Man's Town 02:48 Artem Safronov (SAV88) 2005-12-03 mm18-248.zip
MAP19: Maltraiter 01:30 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-12-26 mm19-130.zip
MAP20: Mountain Depot 01:11 Jakub Razák (method_man) 2003-12-20 mm20-111.zip
MAP21: Twilight Lab 03:26 Oyvind Stenhaug 2003-06-04 mm21-326.zip
MAP22: The Escape 04:51 Kristian Ronge 2005-07-18 mm22-451.zip
MAP23: Showdown 01:33 Karim El-Sheikh (Kimo Xvirus) 2009-04-18 mm23-133.zip
MAP24: Diehard 00:20 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2002-05-05 mm24-020.zip
MAP25: Cesspool 00:23 Adam Hegyi 2002-02-28 mm25-023.zip
MAP26: Between Scattered Corpses 02:07 Erik Alm 2002-05-12 mm26-207.zip
MAP27: Fort Hades 03:28 Eugene Kapustin 2007-06-10 mm27-328.zip
MAP28: City of the Unavenged 06:57 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2007-01-27 mm28-657.zip
MAP29: Island of Death 00:19 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2002-02-28 mm29-019.zip
MAP30: Viper 01:30 Eugene Kapustin 2004-02-28 mm30-130.zip
MAP31: Technology Base (normal exit) 03:16 Oyvind Stenhaug 2003-03-21 mm31-316.zip
MAP31: Technology Base (secret exit) 02:28 Kristian Ronge 2005-04-12 mm31s228.zip
MAP32: The Hidden Slime Factory 03:02 Anthony Soto (Swedish Fish) 2002-03-31 mm32-302.zip

Memento Mori II[edit]

Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: Outpost 00:30 Eric Baker (The Green Herring) 2010-07-22 m2s1-030.zip
MAP02: The Feeding Pit 00:35 Karim El-Sheikh (Kimo Xvirus) 2009-07-15 m202-035.zip
MAP03: ...And Hell Beneath 02:13 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2018-12-14 m203-213.zip
MAP04: Ratamahatta 00:59 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2005-07-17 m204-059.zip
MAP05: Rites of Passage 00:55 Karim El-Sheikh (Kimo Xvirus) 2009-07-15 m205-055.zip
MAP06: Trapped 02:10 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2018-12-07 m206-210.zip
MAP07: Frustration 02:23 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2018-12-04 m207-223.zip
MAP08: Stigmata 01:28 Eugene Kapustin 2007-04-22 m208-128.zip
MAP09: Sabbath Sewer 00:56 Jakub Razák (method_man) 2003-10-28 m209-056.zip
MAP10: Clear for Death 02:37 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-01-14 m210-237.zip
MAP11: Sewer Shutdown 01:59 vdgg 2011-04-18 m211-159.zip
MAP12: The Waterway 00:35 Adolf Vojta (Gusta) 2002-08-26 m212-035.zip
MAP13: Devils Paradise 00:57 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-01-26 m213-057.zip
MAP14: A Question of Time 04:04 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2003-01-27 m214-404.zip
MAP15: The Devil's Coterie (normal exit) 02:08 vdgg 2015-09-27 m215-208.zip
MAP15: The Devil's Coterie (secret exit) 02:28 vdgg 2013-03-18 m215s228.zip
MAP16: The Nephilim 01:27 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2009-12-27 m216-127.zip
MAP17: No One 01:03 Karim El-Sheikh (Kimo Xvirus) 2009-12-16 m217-103.zip
MAP18: Regulate 03:13 Eugene Kapustin 2010-01-09 m218-313.zip
MAP19: The Shaft 07:36 vdgg 2010-06-23 m219-736.zip
MAP20: The Experiment 00:44 Karim El-Sheikh (Kimo Xvirus) 2009-12-16 m220-044.zip
MAP21: Sanctuary 02:01 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2007-01-29 m221-201.zip
MAP22: R.R.F. Refinary 05:36 vdgg 2012-10-01 m222-536.zip
MAP23: No Way Out 00:05 Kristian Ronge 2006-02-20 m223-005.zip
MAP24: Io Lab 03:39 vdgg 2010-06-22 m224-339.zip
MAP25: Forgotten Town 05:17 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2008-04-26 m225-517.zip
MAP26: Base Exposure 03:05 Jakub Razák (method_man) 2003-05-07 m226-305.zip
MAP27: The Silos 00:24 Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) 2003-02-15 m227-024.zip
MAP28: Corporate Hell
MAP29: Kings of Metal 04:25 Eugene Kapustin 2005-05-28 m229-425.zip
MAP30: It 01:04 Oyvind Stenhaug 2003-01-17 m230-104.zip
MAP31: DejaVu (normal exit) 01:46 Radek Pecka 2002-11-28 m231-146.zip
MAP31: DejaVu (secret exit) 00:53 Radek Pecka 2002-11-27 m231s053.zip
MAP32: Dances with Demons 00:27 Radek Pecka 2004-08-05 m232-027.zip
MAP01: Secret Operation 1 00:30 Eric Baker (The Green Herring) 2010-07-22 m2s1-030.zip
MAP02: Secret Operation 2

The Classic Episode[edit]

Map Time Player Date File Notes
E2M1: Foray 00:27 Adam Williamson 2010-07-27 cl21-027.zip
E2M2: Mars Outpost 01:33 Adam Williamson 2001-03-28 cl22-133.zip
E2M3: The Deimos Complex 02:24 Adam Williamson 2001-04-03 cl23-224.zip
E2M4: The Evil Base 01:13 Adam Williamson 2001-04-04 cl24-113.zip
E2M5: Deimos Observatory (normal exit) 02:05 Radek Pecka 2002-11-23 cl25-205.zip
E2M5: Deimos Observatory (secret exit) 01:31 Radek Pecka 2002-11-23 cl25s131.zip
E2M6: Outpost 666 03:07 Radek Pecka 2002-11-23 cl26-307.zip
E2M7: A Place of Sin 00:26 Vaclav Kunes (bolton) 2001-10-23 cl27-026.zip
E2M8: Evil Refinery 04:05 Radek Pecka 2002-11-25 cl28-405.zip
E2M9: Dissension 03:08 Radek Pecka 2002-11-25 cl29-308.zip

Alien Vendetta[edit]

Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: Sunset 00:28 Karim El-Sheikh (Kimo Xvirus) 2009-04-12 ap01-028.zip
MAP02: Rusty Rage 00:27 Erik Alm 2003-02-01 av02-027.zip
MAP03: Cargo Depot 00:22 Aleksey Kamenev (4shockblast) 2014-08-09 av03-022.zip
MAP04: Seclusion 01:40 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2005-08-08 av04-140.zip
MAP05: Crimson Tide 00:53 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2020-07-20 av05-053.zip
MAP06: Hillside Siege 01:08 Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) 2003-01-12 av06-108.zip
MAP07: Showdown 01:09 Adam Hegyi 2001-12-26 av07-109.zip
MAP08: Beast Island 01:55 Radek Pecka 2004-08-16 av08-155.zip
MAP09: Castle Gardens 00:39 Adam Williamson 2003-03-19 av09-039.zip
MAP10: Toxic Touch 03:34 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2020-02-20 av10-334.zip
MAP11: Nemesis 00:51 Jakub Razák (method_man) 2003-08-31 av11-051.zip
MAP12: Entropy 01:17 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2005-08-08 av12-117.zip
MAP13: Suicidal Tendencies 05:39 Tatsuya Ito (Tatsurd-cacocaco) 2009-08-10 av13-539.zip
MAP14: Overwhelming Odds 05:50 Tatsuya Ito (Tatsurd-cacocaco) 2009-09-16 av14-550.zip
MAP15: Bulls on Parade (normal exit) 02:48 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-05-20 av15-248.zip
MAP15: Bulls on Parade (secret exit) 02:16 Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) 2006-05-20 av15s216.zip
MAP16: Mutual Destruction 02:43 Tatsuya Ito (Tatsurd-cacocaco) 2010-02-16 av16-243.zip
MAP17: Nukefall 00:44 Erik Alm 2003-03-07 av17-044.zip
MAP18: Lake Poison 02:21 Jakub Razák (method_man) 2003-05-27 av18-221.zip
MAP19: Alien Resurrection 03:53 Tatsuya Ito (Tatsurd-cacocaco) 2010-03-05 av19-353.zip
MAP20: Misri Halek 02:53 Zero-Master 2017-08-26 av20-253.zip
MAP21: One Flew Over The Caco's Nest 01:48 Tatsuya Ito (Tatsurd-cacocaco) 2010-03-05 av21-148.zip
MAP22: Rubicon 01:10 Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) 2003-03-19 av22-110.zip
MAP23: Blood Sacrifice 00:28 Karim El-Sheikh (Kimo Xvirus) 2009-04-12 av23-028.zip
MAP24: Clandestine Complex 01:23 Przemysław Woda (Belial) 2006-05-07 av24-123.zip
MAP25: Demonic Hordes 01:09 Jean-Charles Dorne (JCD) 2010-06-24 av25-109.zip
MAP26: Dark Dome 00:28 Selim Benabdelkhalek (Bastard) 2004-03-08 av26-028.zip
MAP27: Stench of Evil 04:00 Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) 2003-04-01 av27-400.zip
MAP28: Whispering Shadows 05:30 Tatsuya Ito (Tatsurd-cacocaco) 2011-12-29 av28-530.zip
MAP29: Fire Walk With Me 01:14 Karim El-Sheikh (Kimo Xvirus) 2009-07-14 av29-114.zip
MAP30: Point Dreadful 00:58 Karim El-Sheikh (Kimo Xvirus) 2009-04-16 av30-058.zip
MAP31: Killer Colours
MAP32: No Guts No Glory 00:46 Karim El-Sheikh (Kimo Xvirus) 2009-04-13 av32-046.zip


Map Time Player Date File Notes
MAP01: Get Going 00:10 Chris Felix (DevastatioN) 2003-04-13 sc01-010.zip
MAP02: Punchline
MAP03: Up and Around
MAP04: Lost Warehouse
MAP05: Slimy Tunnels
MAP06: Pressure Point
MAP07: Deadly
MAP08: Garden Base
MAP09: Computer Storage
MAP10: The Lords
MAP11: Sneak Peak
MAP12: Walk in the Park
MAP13: Subverted Base
MAP14: Power Outage
MAP15: Blood Bath
MAP16: Burial Grounds
MAP17: Book Lords
MAP18: M/S Futura
MAP19: 3000 AD
MAP20: The Starport
MAP21: Solitude
MAP22: Despair
MAP23: Anger
MAP24: Hatred
MAP25: Envy
MAP26: Fear
MAP27: Terror
MAP28: Run From It
MAP29: Hell on Earth
MAP30: Fire and Ice
MAP31: I Dunno Torn
MAP32: Enoz Soahc