
Did you know that Club Doom is where the demons like to party?

Did you know that a glow-in-the-dark medikit can reduce humanoids to a pulp?

Did you know that satan makes you immune to all damage?

Did you know that donnytrump gives you money?

Did you know that you're Doomguy?

Did you know that Derwin is a bloody nuisance?

Did you know that you can fight green flemoids in a laboratory of breakfast cereals?

Did you know that punching turkeys can net you a high score?

Did you know that John Romero built the level Perfect Hatred in six hours?

Did you know that Hissy hoggers are having their hogging tracked?

Did you know that Bill Gates once blasted a zombie with a shotgun?

Did you know that a properly-drawn doomguy resembles the Mona Lisa?

Did you know that the cheat code IDKFA will take away your weapons?

Did you know that the Arch-vile can be extinguished with a fire extinguisher?

Did you know that Lost Souls are forgetful?