{{stub}} Fumingbow639067 is a Northern Irish Doom level designer and music composer who contributed to a number of community projects.
Body of work[edit]
- Junkfood 3: Wow Wow West (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP42: Oh wow, the magnificent Startan Valley
- MAP70: Just Junk, Not Food
- MAP91: What even is slaughter?
- Soundtracks for MAP70 and MAP91
- Revenant Hallway (Doomworld/idgames)
- MAP37: Hellway of a New Sort.
- Soundtrack for MAP37
- Cyberdreams MIDI Pack (Doomworld/idgames)
- Soundtrack for MAP21
- 60 Minute Marathon 2 (Doomworld forums thread)
- MAP74: Contract Killer / Unpaid Intern : Stakeout in The Sty, Beholden from The Hands of The Creator
- Soundtrack for MAP74
- Junkfood 4: Slotterween (Doomworld forums thread)
- MAP97: A Test In Correlation
- MAP98: Mortal Coil (with Xulgonoth)
- Oops... All-Ghosts! (Doomworld/idgames)
- PLAYPAL and texture edits
[[Category:Composers]] [[Category:Mappers]]