Note to any editors who happen to be reading this concerned about the rapidly impending existence of Junkfood 4, it'll be the last one for some time.
Once the mod reaches a stable state, this page can be edited to take out the nowiki tags, and moved into mainspace to preserve its history - rather than recreating it there.
Yeah don't worry, that's what I was thinking. I was just editing it here basically just to save my progress or if anyone else feels like contributing while I make it, since it's a fairly beefy page. Was inspired by how stephyesterday's page got moved to Death Bear's user page. NiGHTS108 (talk) 04:09, 26 November 2024 (CST)
(Editor's note: Alright the page is basically completely done! Just gotta upload a title PNG, remove the editor notes and wait for IdGames now. Feel free to edit this page if there's any formatting issue or whatnot. NiGHTS108 (talk) 11:10, 26 November 2024 (CST))
|iwad=Doom II
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Junkfood 4 is a 98-map slaughter community project led by Meowgi, created for MBF21-compatible source ports. A sequel to Junkfood, Junkfood 2 and Junkfood 3 the aim once again was to create maps that feature BFG-heavy gameplay and a high monster count, while not focusing much on level layout, detailing or fight design; hence the name of the project, which is supposed to imply the junk food-like nature of its mapping philosophy. Similar to Junkfood 3, speedmapping rules were even more lenient compared to the previous installments, resulting in a set of speedmaps mixed with a line-up of maps created in a more reasonable time frame.
(Editor's note: There seems to be literally no consensus among other pages about how custom weapons or monsters in wads are written or formatted. Maybe there is on a talk page somewhere?? I've never done this before. Hopefully this is ok????? NiGHTS108 (talk) 04:09, 26 November 2024 (CST))
Custom weapons[edit]
With the exception of the rocket launcher and BFG9000, every weapon in the game has been considerably buffed, and like Junkfood 3, the restriction on using weapons outside the rocket launcher, plasma rifle and BFG9000 has been lifted.
- The fist is now 10x as strong, leading to 20 to 200 damage per punch without the berserk powerup, and 200 to 2000 damage with it.
- The chainsaw has been replaced with a rocket launcher variant with unlimited ammo that fires twice as fast. It shares sprites with the rocket launcher's Doom 64 counterpart. Similar to the super rocket launcher in NoReason's Speedmaps 3.
- The pistol is now an assault rifle that fires with perfect accuracy in bursts of three.
- The shotgun has been replaced with a super shotgun that fires twice in one shot.
- The super shotgun has been replaced with a darker tinted BFG9000 with unlimited ammo.
- The chaingun now fires twice as fast as before, shares sprites with and is identical to the super chaingun in Valiant.
- The plasma gun now fires twice as fast as before and the plasma projectile does twice as much damage, leading to 4x the damage output and a much greater stun chance using it on monsters.
Custom monsters[edit]
- Baron of Hell
- A winged variant of the baron of Hell that launches two attacks in quick succession. Identical to the one found in Judgment.
- Cyberdemon (1000 HP)
- A purple-colored cyberdemon that is functionally identical to its regular counterpart. However, as its name implies, it only has 1000 hit points, the same as a baron of Hell, making it much weaker by comparison.
- Nightshade
- A small, black and green flying phantom. It has 120 hit points and shoots imp fireballs.
- Pyro knight
- Also known as pyro demon, it is an orange and black Hell knight with 500 hit points and has two different attacks it uses randomly, one in which it shoots a stream of four very fast projectiles, and the other where it fires two of these projectiles and four smaller projectiles. Identical to the one found in Valiant.
- Flying mancubus
- A flying variant of the mancubus, with an increased mass to prevent it flying too far away from the player.
- Melee revenant
- A darker variant of the revenant with increased speed, 200 hit points, and without the revenant's projectile attack. Similar to the boxer revenant in Running Late 2.
- Kamikaze Guy
- A monster that resembles the Beheaded Kamikaze enemy from the Serious Sam series, with 10 hit points, that will chase the player and explode when coming into contact with them or being killed, dealing blast damage to its surroundings. Similar to the suicide bomber found in Valiant.
- Shaman
- A fully grey arch-vile variant that is untouchable, and will only die after a set period of time after waking up. It summons Wraiths, a quick imp-like monster that can teleport to a random nearby position, has hugely increased speed and can only perform melee attacks. Both appear only in MAP95: Wraithmaw.
- Valiant Kamikaze
- A variant on the Kamikaze Guy, with 60 hit points, and with the appearance of a black-clad zombie holding a stick of dynamite, making it identical to the suicide bomber in Valiant. Appears only in MAP96: Ode2Skillsaw.
- Revivile
- A red and teal arch-vile variant devoid of any attacking capabilities, but with the ability to revive monsters twice as fast. Appears only in MAP97: A Test In Correlation.
Episode 1: Reese's Pieces
- MAP01: Welcome Back to JunkfoOOooOOod by Meowgi
- MAP02: Razors in the Caramel Apple by grapes
- MAP03: Trick or Treat! by Monsieur E
- MAP04: Protein Shake by Chookum
- MAP05: Corrupted Soul by dashiefrickintyan
- MAP06: Glutton for Punishment by Peccatum Mihzamiz
- MAP07: Monumental Feast by Diego Villarroel (DJV)
- MAP08: The Valley of Purple Doo by NuruTheDoomer
- MAP09: AreYouEntertained by TheLoneliness
- MAP10: Little Shop of Horderves by stephyesterday
- MAP11: Red Milk by Maribo
- MAP12: Trick or Toblerone by Niloqui
- MAP13: Milo by Lucky_Edie
- MAP14: King of Burger by DuckReconMajor
- MAP15: French Tacos by Tonytheparrot
- MAP16: Castle Crablouse by MortisCausaDonatio
- MAP17: Crunchy skeletons and their crunchy friends by Track Federal
- MAP18: Fifty Forts Along the Rind by paymentplan
- MAP19: Pumpkin Spice by AdamTheSlave
- MAP20: A Grave Mistake by brendondle
- MAP21: ONE BILLION DRACULAS by ivymagnapinna
- MAP22: One Last Lick (For The Lovers) by Maribo
- MAP23: I think there was something laced in that chocolate by Vortale
Episode 2: Reese's Cups
- MAP24: Meow Meow Meowmeow by Ravendesk
- MAP25: castle of sdhjdfsbkjhfsbhjdfs;fsg';l,';l&^R^&TV^&DVbvdvjdssd.,...1 by Synami
- MAP26: Danse Macabre by Valhen_Saipiam
- MAP28: Shingeki No Heru Naito. by Chuma
- MAP29: A Rushed Brunch by Beubaretto
- MAP30: It's the Great Pumpkin, John Junk! by A.o.D.
- MAP31: The Rambler Map by OverflowingMocha
- MAP32: Church of the Cosmic Candy Corn by Treehouseminis
- MAP33: another slightly tilting map by Spendoragon
- MAP34: Cool by Hebonky
- MAP35: How it Feels to be Chillin during Trick or Treat by Tonytheparrot
- MAP36: The Munchies by Chookum
- MAP37: Croquette Corp by SoulRunner
- MAP38: Orange Interlude by NiGHTS108
- MAP39: Rizzless//No Rizz by taviow
- MAP40: #FreeTerrarienn by NiGHTS108 and Monsieur E
- MAP41: And By it... I of course mean- by Hebonky
- MAP42: Hatshepsut's Crypt by LadyMistDragon
- MAP43: Corn Syrup Crypt by bluii
- MAP44: The Body of Christ is Compelling by A.o.D.
- MAP45: Grounds for Reincarnation by CblBOPOTKA
- MAP46: Wormfood by eater29
Episode 3: Butterfingers
- MAP47: Their Beating, Beet-Tinged Hearts by Phoenyx
- MAP48: Violet Temple by thelamp
- MAP49: Spider Donut by AltimaMantoid
- MAP50: not enough purple by whistlerDJC
- MAP51: Purple Memorial Park by Austinado_
- MAP52: Cyan Nightmare by NewKid121
- MAP53: Moving In Stereo by Jacek Bourne
- MAP54: A Doritos Refinery (Sdn Bhd) by NuruTheDoomer
- MAP55: Slaughtermelon by WASDBee
- MAP56: Quadtanium by Chuma
- MAP57: Candy Cornered by D0M0
- MAP58: Monsters Under My Bed by Niloqui
- MAP59: Nightmare Dreams Tour by CblBOPOTKA
- MAP60: Count Chocula's Copium Crackhouse by General Roasterock
- MAP61: !! SPOOKY !! Amounts Of GettinYoGrooveOn by Synami
- MAP62: AAAAAAAAAA by Niloqui
- MAP63: Stopping Power by thelamp
- MAP64: Lazy Purple Palace by LadyMistDragon
- MAP65: V for Vanilla Ice Cream by CblBOPOTKA
- MAP66: House of Terrible Candy by MiracleWater
- MAP67: Fortress of Moomen by Hebonky
- MAP68: Lunacy by Leonard Daniels (JackDBS)
- MAP69: Templum Sanctae Uvae Saccharum Suci by grapes
Episode 4: Toblerone Bars
- MAP70: 1000 II by finnks13
- MAP71: A Star May Be. by Chuma
- MAP72: Last Night by El Inferno
- MAP73: Sushi and Cheesecake by AltimaMantoid
- MAP74: junkefoode2^2 by RedBoule
- MAP75: The Great Grimace Shake Food Poisoning of 2024 by DasBoot
- MAP76: Noctis Labyrinthus by cassis
- MAP77: Trick in the Traphouse for Treats by DeetOpianSky and Cynder_Thief
- MAP78: Jabu-Jabu's Indigestion by BFGandorf
- MAP79: techbaste by WASDBee
- MAP80: Crater chips good epic edition gaming food junk of the food by Karuna Aztima
- MAP81: 30 minutes till Trick or Treat by Scionox
- MAP82: A Junkfood Halloween Birthday Bash by DasBoot
- MAP83: skyrat by chira
- MAP84: It's Over For You by El Inferno
- MAP85: need for feed underworld midnight grub footlong sub deadition...2 by WASDBee
- MAP86: Please Lord, Help Me to Release These Demons by DasBoot
- MAP87: Neon Lunchbox by Cynder_Thief
- MAP88: U 8 It by AltimaMantoid
- MAP89: Twilight In Paradise /// Prophecies Of Junkmageddon by NiGHTS108, Tonytheparrot and Monsieur E
- MAP90: your skin turns to ash in my throat by chira
- MAP91: Gateway to Megiddough by Phoenyx
- MAP92: Megiddough by Phoenyx, dashiefrickintyan, stephyesterday, cassis, OverflowingMocha, RedBoule, NiGHTS108 and WASDBee
- MAP93: Hugs, Hugs For Everyone by Meowgi
Episode 5
- MAP94: Junkfoodchef by taviow
- MAP95: Wraithmaw by Rayziik
- MAP96: Ode2Skillsaw by Meowgi
- MAP97: A Test In Correlation by Fumingbow639067
- MAP98: Mortal Coil by Xulgonoth and Fumingbow639067
- Actual map name too long to fit: castle of sdhjdfsbkjhfsbhjdfs;fsg';l,';l&^R^&TV^&DVbvdvjdssd., .,idk i fdont have time to think fo a title
- Actual map name too long to fit: need for feed underworld midnight grub footlong sub deadition 2fastfood2fearious scran scareismo fearza horiznom basically it is a racing and slaughter map but there are also food and halloween themes
- MAP02 full song list: "Trick or Treat Theme" from Psycho Pinball by Tim Bartlett, "Cigarette" by Anubis, MIDI rendition of "Inverted" by Gorguts, MIDI rendition of "The Bloodbells Chime" by Current 93
- MAP08 full song list: "Drywall" by Gustavo Rehermann (wallabra) and decino, from TNT: Evilution MIDI Pack, "Inside" by Neurometry
- MAP30 full song list: MIDI rendition of "Central Park Loader" by Matt Gray from Last Ninja 2, sequenced by Christer Holm, MIDI rendition of "Cold Spaghetti" by Ronan de Castel (Mr. Sauceman) from Pizza Tower, MIDI rendition of "It's Pizza Time" by Ronan de Castel (Mr. Sauceman) from Pizza Tower, MIDI rendition of "The Death I Deservioli" by Ronan de Castel (Mr. Sauceman) from Pizza Tower
- MAP54 full song list: "Inside" by Neurometry, MIDI rendition of "Parking Block" from The Ninja Warriors, sequenced by Robert Hansson, MIDI rendition of "240 Bits Per Mile" by Leon Riskin from Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, sequenced by Tristan Clark
- MAP69 full song list: "Necrotic Poison" by Putrefaction, "ESP ION AGE" by Portal, "Celestial Deconstruction" by 1349, "de-base-r stomping" by u4ia
- MAP82 full song list: MIDI rendition of "Better Off Alone" by Alice Deejay, "Give It All You've Got" from SpongeBob Squarepants
- MAP89 full song list: MIDI rendition of "Title" from Pepsiman, remixed by NiGHTS108, MIDI rendition of "The Extreme" from Final Fantasy VIII, MIDI rendition of "My Spirit Will Go On" by DragonForce
- MAP92 full song list: "The Joy Of Corruption" by Phoenyx, MIDI rendition of "Temporal Tower" from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, "theres_been_a_murder" by Ribbiks, MIDI rendition of "Strike Man Stage" from Mega Man 10, MIDI rendition of "Thatcher Battle" from Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri, "destination2" by edge/sts, "You Are The End" from Furi, MIDI rendition of "Bloody Tears" from Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, "Doughnut of Deathstruction" by WASDBee
- MAP97 full song list: MIDI rendition of "Walkin' On The Sun" by Smash Mouth, MIDI rendition of "Flesh Maze Tango" from OFF, MIDI rendition of "Work Life Imbalance" by C418, "GUITAROU.mid" from MOD2MIDI, MIDI rendition of "Weapon of Choice" by Fatboy Slim, "A Series of Hiccups" from Middens, MIDI rendition of "Tribute" by Tenacious D, "SUSPICO2.mid" by Neil Cicierega, MIDI rendition of "Foregone Destruction" from Unreal Tournament, "Starry Sky over the megaliths (bonus)" by KATUSHKA aka КАТУШКА, MIDI rendition of "Pictures at an Exhibition" by Modest Mussorgsky, MIDI rendition of "Gymnopedie No. 1" by Erik Satie, MIDI rendition of "AMS" by C418, MIDI rendition of "Stilbruch" by C418, "JT_RISE.mid" from 2MIDI, "menuu" by C418, MIDI rendition of "Intro" by C418
External links[edit]
{{Junkfood series}}
[[Category:Community projects]]
[[Category:Slaughter maps]]