Articles that are presently at the forefront of need for creation:
Funko Pop! Games figurines - The Art of DOOM book (release pending June 2016)
Doom Collector's Edition (2016) -
Pre-order limited edition revenant statue -
Exclusive 3D-printed cyberdemon
Doom 2016 concepts and items[edit]
Loadout -
Glory kill -
Rune -
Praetor suit -
Quad damage(stub) -
Berserk -
Invisibility -
Haste -
Doom 2016 armors (shield, suit, shards, etc?) -
Frag grenade -
Personal teleporter -
Weapon upgrade -
Weapon modification(stub sections, additional info needed) -
Hack module-
New multiplayer rune system after update 6.66
Hologram item (???) -
Multiplayer armors- Still needed:
- Info on paints and patterns
Some pics of the various armor types (and not ones taken from That Site Which Shall Not Be Named, either - theirs suck.)
- Multiplayer weapon customization
- Game modes (Warpath, Team Arena, Capture the Chicken, wtfever else)
Rest of monster and weapon articles as soon as game is released-
Hell guard -
Hell razer -
The Possessed (and the differences between them and The Unwilling, who are confirmed to still exist).-
Needed: Individual articles for each possessed type, as they differ drastically in appearances and behaviors.
Prowler demon -
Spider Mastermind (Doom 2016)
Articles about locations and levels -
Articles about DLC expansions-
Unto the Evil -
Hell Followed -
EMG Mark V pistol properties -
Kinetic mine item -
Threat pulse item -
Lateral thrusters -
Grenade launcher -
Harvester demon -
Reaper (weapon)
SnapMap- Updates to SnapMap since release
Information about post-release patches