
Matching and linking speedrunners[edit]

When collecting information about speedrunners for their wiki articles, the first problem encountered is that quite a few players go by a variety of names/aliases between the wiki and the former and current Compet-n and DSDA sites, and that the demo sites use different identification systems.

To match them all up, I created a (single-table) database on my home server, with scripts to fill it. Initially all entries in the speedrunners category were loaded (script srLoadCat.php), then scripts for each of the demo sites matched up names/aliases and, upon manual verification/approval, added their names, IDs, demo counts and profile status to the table.

  • For former Compet-n, a pre-formatted text listing of the players list was used (srcompetnold.lst and srAddCmpnOld.php).
  • For current Compet-n, Fx kindly provides read-only MySQL access (srAddCmpnNew.php).
  • For former and current DSDA, the HTML player pages were parsed into SimpleXML objects that could then be traversed (srAddDsdaOld.php and srAddDsdaNew.php).

Listing script srGenTable.php produces the table below. Please let me know if you spot any mismatches.

From the table the speedrunners' external links sections are verified/updated/added (updateSRunners.php), and it will help in compiling record tables for maps and players. In the end, I decided to retire the (non-templated) profile links to former Compet-n as they duplicate the player profiles on current Compet-n. But because current DSDA isn't importing player profiles from former DSDA (for the foreseeable future), both sites remain relevant and are included.

In the first pass, articles already in the speedrunners category are processed.
In the second pass, more players are added to the category, and the above steps repeated. Players with few demos on few WADs are added manually to my database, not the category, as not everyone would be considered speedrunning. The "few" threshold is somewhat arbitrary and obviously debatable.
In the third pass, more established speedrunners are added manually to the database, from which stub articles with external links are generated (createSRunner.php).

The list[edit]

The table below matches speedrunner articles with their entries on the demo sites (state of 2025-01-01 06:03 CST).

Total: 330 Old Compet-n (archived 🗺) New Compet-n Old DSDA (archived 🗺) New DSDA
Path ID Name ID Profile Demos Name ID Profile Demos Name ID Demos Length
AconyX 322 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 125 AconyX aconyx 125 2:36:41
Adam Hegyi adam (archived 🗺) Adam 'Adamh' Hegyi 1 Yes 528 Adam Hegyi 45 (archived 🏛) 721 Adam Hegyi adam_hegyi 722 16:58:19
Adam Landefeld Adam Landefeld 113 (archived 🏛) 1 Adam Landefeld adam_landefeld 1 0:11:58
Adam Williamson adamw (archived 🗺) Adam 'Adamw' Williamson 2 Yes 322 Adam Williamson 46 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 795 Adam Williamson adam_williamson 795 24:56:59
Adam Woodmansey (Khorus) Khorus 396 (archived 🏛) 1 Khorus khorus 1 0:00:26
Adolf Vojta (Gusta) vojta (archived 🗺) Adolf 'Gusta' Vojta 136 Yes 25 Gusta 82 (archived 🏛) 427 Gusta gusta 429 20:20:30
akolai akolai akolai 75 23:02:55
Albert Valls (Vrooomer) Albert 'Vrooomer' Valls 132 6 Albert Valls 13 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 489 Albert Valls albert_valls 489 20:31:09
Aleks Shahov (Plut) Plut 407 (archived 🏛) 196 Plut plut 245 15:04:10
Aleksey Kamenev (4shockblast) Aleksey '4shockblast' Kamenev 226 13 4shockblast 430 (archived 🏛) 1883 4shockblast 4shockblast 3729 83:23:23
Alex Scott (Scotty) Scotty 620 (archived 🏛) 4 Scotty scotty 4 0:10:32
Alexander Sushkov Alexander 'Sushkov' Sushkov 199 13 Alexander Sushkov 40 (archived 🏛) 26 Alexander Sushkov alexander_sushkov 26 4:13:07
Ancalagon Ancalagon 383 (archived 🏛) 538 Ancalagon ancalagon 912 97:14:02
Anders Johnsen anders (archived 🗺) Anders 'Anders' Johnsen 5 Yes 331 Anders Johnsen 48 (archived 🏛) 364 Anders Johnsen anders_johnsen 364 27:03:45
Andrea Rovenski Cyberdemon531 484 (archived 🏛) 1803 Andrea Rovenski andrea_rovenski 5248 400:43:48
Andreas Kren (Anthe) anthe (archived 🗺) Andreas 'Kren' Kren 80 142 Andreas Kren 234 (archived 🏛) 128 Andreas Kren andreas_kren 128 11:50:44
Andrew Bassett (AndrewB) andrew (archived 🗺) Andrew 'Andrewb' Bassett 6 Yes 20 Andrew Bassett 254 (archived 🏛) 19 Andrew Bassett andrew_bassett 19 0:26:43
Andrew Rehberger (Malinku) Malinku 260 (archived 🏛) 7 Malinku malinku 7 0:22:06
Andrew Stine (Linguica) Linguica 567 (archived 🏛) 1 Linguica linguica 1 0:01:41
Andrew Wood (Catoptromancy) Catoptromancy catoptromancy 2 0:07:20
Andrey Boldt (Hitherto) Andrey 'Hitherto' Boldt 198 12 Hitherto 185 (archived 🏛) 66 Hitherto hitherto 243 12:33:18
Andrey Budko (entryway) Andrey 'Budko' Budko 20 12 Andrey Budko 56 (archived 🏛) 46 Andrey Budko andrey_budko 80 5:26:31
Andy Badorek Andy 'Badorek' Badorek 12 33 Andy Badorek 140 (archived 🏛) 48 Andy Badorek andy_badorek 48 4:43:21
Andy Kempling (aurikan) Andy 'Kempling' Kempling 75 41 Andy Kempling 88 (archived 🏛) 52 Andy Kempling andy_kempling 52 4:12:00
Andy Leaver (FearKeeper) Andy Leaver 275 (archived 🏛) 3 Andy Leaver andy_leaver 3 0:48:30
Andy Olivera Andy 'Olivera' Olivera 98 4 Andy Olivera 59 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 290 Andy Olivera andy_olivera 290 32:36:40
Andy Stewart (eschdoom) eschdoom 264 (archived 🏛) 37 eschdoom eschdoom 37 3:23:09
Anthony Soto (Swedish Fish) soto (archived 🗺) Anthony 'Soto' Soto 122 Yes 72 Anthony Soto 21 (archived 🏛) 116 Anthony Soto anthony_soto 116 13:09:08
Aqfaq Aqfaq 'Aqfaq' 159 3 Aqfaq 192 (archived 🏛) 28 Aqfaq aqfaq 33 33:49:29
Arbys550 Arbys550 arbys550 8 13:04:43
Argentum Argent Agent 658 (archived 🏛) 2 Argent Agent argent_agent 100 5:57:45
Arnaud Florian (Oxyde) Oxyde 'Oxyde' Oxyde 272 0 Oxyde 496 (archived 🏛) 3 Oxyde oxyde 9 2:14:19
Arnaud Florian (Oxyde) Arnaud 'PenumbraSix' Florian 243 0 PenumbraSix 499 (archived 🏛) 2
Arno Slagboom arno (archived 🗺) Arno 'Arno' Slagboom 9 Yes 102 Arno Slagboom 17 (archived 🏛) 917 Arno Slagboom arno_slagboom 920 21:54:28
Artem Safronov (SAV88) Artem 'Sav88' Safronov 10 16 SAV88 305 (archived 🏛) 167 SAV88 sav88 183 10:28:45
Arthur O. (Archi) Archi 321 (archived 🏛) 17 Archi archi 101 6:42:07
Bdubzzz Dubzzz 654 (archived 🏛) 3 Dubzzz dubzzz 3026 133:57:57
BeeWen BeeWen 421 (archived 🏛) 1 BeeWen beewen 1 0:09:19
bemused bemused 670 (archived 🏛) 3 bemused bemused 7 0:09:05
Benjogami Benjogami 603 (archived 🏛) 16 Benjogami benjogami 18 1:12:23
Billa Billa billa 1193 37:44:03
BiZ BiZ biz 328 22:42:34
Blake Collins (Rayziik) Rayzik 516 (archived 🏛) 186 Rayziik rayziik 341 39:28:20
blob1024 blob1024 269 (archived 🏛) 336 blob1024 blob1024 457 48:33:50
Boris Klimeš (dew) Boris 'dew' Klimeš 231 0 dew 217 (archived 🏛) 500 dew dew 509 12:56:14
BoxY BoxY boxy 260 10:28:32
Brad Spencer (Vorpal) Brad 'Vorpal' Spencer 204 2 Brad Spencer 19 (archived 🏛) 52 Brad Spencer brad_spencer 52 4:53:32
Brainfreezzzzz Brainfreezzzzz brainfreezzzzz 708 140:31:01
Brayden Hart (AD 79) AD_79 530 (archived 🏛) 137 AD_79 ad_79 136 3:44:01
Bredd Bredd bredd 1340 78:15:41
brendondle brendondle brendondle 123 30:03:30
Brett Harrell (Mechadon) Mechadon 238 (archived 🏛) 1 Mechadon mechadon 1 0:07:55
Brian Knox (Snakes) Snakes 276 (archived 🏛) 18 Snakes snakes 18 0:27:34
Brian Nesser (Anima Zero) Anima Zero 32 (archived 🏛) 695 Anima Zero anima_zero 724 67:13:40
cack_handed Cack_handed 'Cack_handed' 154 19 cack_handed 189 (archived 🏛) 50 cack_handed cack_handed 50 3:02:52
Cameron Prosser Cameron 'prosser' Prosser 108 27 Cameron Prosser 44 (archived 🏛) 58 Cameron Prosser cameron_prosser 58 1:12:22
Carlos Guariglia Carlos Guariglia 75 (archived 🏛) 35 Carlos Guariglia carlos_guariglia 35 7:00:38
Casey Alvis (Altima Mantoid) casey (archived 🗺) Casey 'Altima Mantoid' Alvis 21 Yes 212 Altima Mantoid 47 (archived 🏛) 333 Altima Mantoid altima_mantoid 368 26:54:40
ChaingunnerX Chaingunner 486 (archived 🏛) 0
Chris Bourke (purist) Purist 443 (archived 🏛) 1 Purist purist 1 0:01:25
Chris Felix (DevastatioN) Chris 'DevastatioN' Felix 50 19 Chris Felix 151 (archived 🏛) 22 Chris "DevastatioN" Felix devastation 22 0:29:54
Chris Laverdure (Dashiva) dashiva (archived 🗺) Chris 'Dashiva' Laverdure 31 Yes 34 Dashiva 4 (archived 🏛) 71 Dashiva dashiva 71 2:20:09
Chris Ratcliff (Ryback) chris (archived 🗺) Chris 'Ryback' Ratcliff 25 Yes 292 Ryback 34 (archived 🏛) 1405 Ryback ryback 1406 161:55:38
Christian Lian (darkreaver) darkreaver 336 (archived 🏛) 14 darkreaver darkreaver 14 0:08:27
Christophe Calamoneri (Necrotikflesh) Necrotikflesh necrotikflesh 7 0:16:44
Christopher Shepherd (ArmouredBlood) ArmouredBlood 267 (archived 🏛) 3 ArmouredBlood armouredblood 3 0:11:43
Cody Stirm (Butts) Butts 239 (archived 🏛) 1 Butts butts 1 0:05:57
Coincident Coincident coincident 147 24:36:29
Colossus Colossus colossus 9 0:06:52
Daerik Daerik daerik 73 36:26:59
Daniel Jakobsson (dannebubinga) dannebubinga 341 (archived 🏛) 81 dannebubinga dannebubinga 83 7:25:41
Daniel Lindgren (Demonlord) daniel (archived 🗺) Daniel 'Demonlord' Lindgren 29 Yes 385 Daniel Lindgren 124 (archived 🏛) 393 Daniel Lindgren daniel_lindgren 395 50:31:07
Dario Casali Dario Casali 100 (archived 🏛) 3 Dario Casali dario_casali 3 0:57:42
Darkwave0000 Darkwave0000 461 (archived 🏛) 0
dashiefrickintyan dashiefrickintyan dashiefrickintyan 40 7:29:41
dashlet dashlet dashlet 39 1:57:22
David Asaad (A1s) David Asaad david_asaad 99 18:19:35
David Ficenec (mr.twister) David 'mr.twister' Ficenec 130 17 Twister 199 (archived 🏛) 106 Twister twister 106 2:32:07
David Spring (Springy) David 'Springy' Spring 232 0 David Spring 435 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 212 David Spring david_spring 210 4:55:14
Dean Joseph (deathz0r) deathz0r 182 (archived 🏛) 2 deathz0r deathz0r 2 0:03:13
Death-Destiny Death-Destiny 205 (archived 🏛) 9 Death-Destiny death-destiny 9 1:30:27
Decay Decay decay 432 14:22:23
depr4vity depravity 652 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 1 depr4vity depr4vity 361 2:47:24
Devon Barnett (Xyzzy) Xyzzy01 660 (archived 🏛) 9 Xyzzy xyzzy01 37 0:39:44
DidierTranber DidierTranber 290 (archived 🏛) 898 DidierTranber didiertranber 1444 73:19:47
Donatas Tamonis (Donce) donatas (archived 🗺) Donatas 'donatas' Tamonis 36 Yes 25 Donatas Tamonis 14 (archived 🏛) 468 Donatas Tamonis donatas_tamonis 466 31:18:10
Doomdaniel95 Doomdaniel95 300 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 721 Doomdaniel95 doomdaniel95 759 25:34:09
Doug Merrill (Opulent) opulent (archived 🗺) Doug 'Opulent' Merrill 99 Yes 51 Opulent 1 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 1295 Opulent opulent 1336 120:28:13
Dr. Zin Dr. Zin 187 (archived 🏛) 2 Dr. Zin dr_zin 2 0:29:40
Drew DeVore (stx-Vile) drew (archived 🗺) Drew 'stx-Vile' DeVore 39 Yes 257 stx-Vile 35 (archived 🏛) 364 Vile vile 649 79:45:14
DrJordo Jordo 510 (archived 🏛) 0 DrJordo drjordo 71 1:12:05
DuckReconMajor DuckReconMajor duckreconmajor 20 1:17:36
Dylan Gill (TheV1perK1ller) TheV1perK1ller 611 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 567 TheV1perK1ller thev1perk1ller 754 63:58:41
E.M. E.M. em 120 2:03:14
El Inferno El Inferno el_inferno 38 3:05:35
Elmle ELMLE 600 (archived 🏛) 556 ELMLE elmle 805 100:11:36
Emil Brundage (NaturalTvventy) NaturalTvventy naturaltvventy 2 0:03:33
EnragedEggplant EnragedEggplant enragedeggplant 205 16:20:34
Eric Baker (The Green Herring) Eric 'The Green Herring' Baker 43 11 The Green Herring 176 (archived 🏛) 607 The Green Herring the_green_herring 609 24:33:13
Erick Tenorio (GuyNamedErick) Erick 'GuyNamedErick' Tenorio 271 16 GuyNamedErick 636 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 234 GuyNamedErick guynamederick 257 20:29:36
Erik Alm Erik 'Alm' Alm 8 73 Erik Alm 9 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 243 Erik Alm erik_alm 244 15:48:20
Esa Repo (Espi) Esa 'Espi' Repo 205 1 Espi 49 (archived 🏛) 62 Espi espi 62 6:14:29
Esko Koskimaa esko (archived 🗺) Esko 'esko' Koskimaa 46 Yes 20 Esko Koskimaa 119 (archived 🏛) 53 Esko Koskimaa esko_koskimaa 53 6:54:17
Eugene Kapustin Eugene 'eugene' Kapustin 48 151 Eugene Kapustin 37 (archived 🏛) 222 Eugene Kapustin eugene_kapustin 222 13:47:35
finnks13 finnks13 finnks13 1 0:23:02
Fonze Fonze 561 (archived 🏛) 3 Fonze fonze 3 0:13:23
Franck Livolant (franckFRAG) franckFRAG 533 (archived 🏛) 2 franckFRAG franckfrag 2 0:04:00
Frank Siebers (Jesus) Frank 'Jesus' Siebers 52 6 Frank Siebers 278 (archived 🏛) 11 Frank Siebers frank_siebers 11 0:34:57
Fredrik Johansson Fredrik Johansson 96 (archived 🏛) 3 Fredrik Johansson fredrik_johansson 3 0:04:37
Gene Bird Gene Bird 76 (archived 🏛) 41 Gene Bird gene_bird 41 6:32:14
General Roasterock General Roasterock general_roasterock 139 4:17:15
George Bell George 'Bell' I. Bell 15 0 George Bell 133 (archived 🏛) 63 George Bell george_bell 64 12:39:50
Gggmork gggmork 221 (archived 🏛) 133 gggmork gggmork 134 28:46:25
Gonzalo Pérez de la Ossa Gonzalo Perez de la Ossa 158 (archived 🏛) 9 Gonzalo Perez de la Ossa gonzalo_perez_de_la_ossa 9 0:11:35
Graham Burgess (Grazza) Grazza 31 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 1205 Grazza grazza 1222 35:14:39
grapes grapes grapes 544 13:47:42
GrumpyCat GrumpyCat 454 (archived 🏛) 344 GrumpyCat grumpycat 724 33:46:25
Guanlan Chen (GarrettChan) GarrettChan 614 (archived 🏛) 219 GarrettChan garrettchan 909 39:33:27
Guillaume Pierson (Guiddqd) Guillaume 'Guiddqd' Pierson 105 21 Guiddqd 195 (archived 🏛) 44 Guiddqd guiddqd 44 1:17:57
Gus Knezevich (Alfonzo) Alfonzo 483 (archived 🏛) 5 Alfonzo alfonzo 5 0:09:56
Gwyn Williams Gwyn Williams 167 (archived 🏛) 73 Gwyn Williams gwyn_williams 73 12:11:16
HeadshotTAS Headshot 709 (archived 🏛) 0 Headshot headshot 19 0:13:39
Hebonky Hebonky hebonky 7 0:04:09
Henning Skogstø henning (archived 🗺) Henning 'Henning' Skogsto 61 Yes 254 Henning Skogsto 54 (archived 🏛) 294 Henning Skogsto henning_skogsto 314 30:02:13
Hi Jango Hi 'jango' Jango 59 18 Hi Jango 191 (archived 🏛) 20 Hi Jango hi_jango 20 0:30:52
Human Being Human Being human_being 1466 8:13:33
Huy Pham (Doom Marine) Huy Pham 105 (archived 🏛) 9 Huy Pham huy_pham 9 3:10:40
Ian Cunnings (The Flange Peddler) Ian Cunnings 132 (archived 🏛) 2 Ian Cunnings ian_cunnings 2 0:01:18
Ian Sabourin (sslasher) Ian 'sslasher' Sabourin 124 13 Ian Sabourin 285 (archived 🏛) 31 Ian Sabourin ian_sabourin 31 2:10:44
Ian Sutton Ian 'Sutton' Sutton 126 39 Ian Sutton 368 (archived 🏛) 38 Ian Sutton ian_sutton 38 2:30:26
Iikka Keränen (Fingers) Iikka Keranen 143 (archived 🏛) 1 Iikka Keranen iikka_keranen 1 0:09:11
Ilya Britvich ilya (archived 🗺) Ilya 'Ilya' Britvich 63 Yes 61 Ilya Britvich 262 (archived 🏛) 60 Ilya Britvich ilya_britvich 60 1:17:57
Ilya Lazarev (joe-ilya) Joe-Ilya 462 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 69 Joe-Ilya joe-ilya 70 6:39:38
Istvan Pataki istvan (archived 🗺) Istvan 'Istvan' Pataki 64 Yes 147 Istvan Pataki 109 (archived 🏛) 170 Istvan Pataki istvan_pataki 169 13:32:31
j4rio J4rio 'j4rio' 166 17 j4rio 287 (archived 🏛) 905 j4rio j4rio 1170 235:50:32
Jacek Dobrzyniecki (Havoc Crow) JudgeDeadd 466 (archived 🏛) 15 JudgeDeadd judgedeadd 15 0:38:04
Jakub Machata (DooMerMan) Jakub 'DooMerMan' Machata 37 128 Jakub Machata 57 (archived 🏛) 198 Jakub Machata jakub_machata 198 8:03:48
Jakub Mahdal (Avenger) Jakub 'Avenger' Mahdal 11 8 Jakub Mahdal 253 (archived 🏛) 8 Jakub Mahdal jakub_mahdal 8 0:09:40
Jakub Majewski (KUBA18i) Jakub Majewski jakub_majewski 14 3:40:30
Jakub Puk (Huncd6814) Jakub 'Huncd6814' Puk 262 5 Jakub Puk 604 (archived 🏛) 19 Jakub Puk jakub_puk 22 2:10:40
Jakub Razák (method_man) Jakub 'Method_man' Razak 89 94 Method 126 (archived 🏛) 297 Method method 312 11:10:48
Jan Engelhardt (Hirogen2) hirogen2 418 (archived 🏛) 7 hirogen2 hirogen2 7 0:09:49
Jan Vida (Doomgeek) Jan 'Doomgeek' Vida 134 7 Jan Vida 376 (archived 🏛) 13 Jan Vida jan_vida 13 1:41:31
Jaromir Cihak (Jacih) jacih (archived 🗺) Jaromir 'Jacih' Cihak 66 Yes 11 Jaromir Cihak 355 (archived 🏛) 13 Jaromir Cihak jaromir_cihak 13 0:41:51
Jason Henry Jason 'Jason' Henry 69 7 Jason Henry 50 (archived 🏛) 85 Jason Henry jason_henry 85 21:19:50
Jason Masihdas (Amaster) Jason Masihdas 65 (archived 🏛) 3 Jason Masihdas jason_masihdas 3 0:04:44
Jason Root (Hellbent) Jason Root 145 (archived 🏛) 1 Jason Root jason_root 1 0:25:37
Jazz Mickle (jmickle) jmickle 515 (archived 🏛) 4 jmickle jmickle 4 0:04:23
Jean-Charles Dorne (JCD) JC 'JC' Dorne 150 22 JC 196 (archived 🏛) 144 JCD jcd 608 39:33:16
Jim Leonard (Xit Vono) vono (archived 🗺) Jim 'Xit Vono' Leonard 137 Yes 1096 Xit Vono 3 (archived 🏛) 1335 Xit Vono xit_vono 1735 152:30:35
Jizzwardo Jizzwardo jizzwardo 10 0:40:58
Jochen Schneidau (Angus) Jochen 'Angus' Schneidau 65 9 Angus 10 (archived 🏛) 434 Angus angus 435 30:07:10
Joe Abene (DOOMMANN) joe (archived 🗺) Joe 'DOOMMANN' Abene 71 Yes 25 Joe Abene 367 (archived 🏛) 25 Joe Abene joe_abene 25 1:33:29
Jonas Feragen (Chrozoron) Jonas 'Chrozoron' Feragen 200 5 Chrozoron 89 (archived 🏛) 19 Chrozoron chrozoron 19 3:34:53
Jonathan Hoof (Hunter) Jonathan 'Hunter' Hoof 62 4 Jonathan Hoof 408 (archived 🏛) 4 Jonathan Hoof jonathan_hoof 4 0:48:23
Jonathan Rimmer jonathan (archived 🗺) Jonathan 'Jonathan' Rimmer 72 Yes 65 Jonathan Rimmer 171 (archived 🏛) 66 Jonathan Rimmer jonathan_rimmer 69 1:41:47
Joonas Äijälä (Jodwin) Jodwin 236 (archived 🏛) 15 Jodwin jodwin 15 1:58:10
Josh Sealy (Joshy) Josh Sealy 237 (archived 🏛) 7 Josh Sealy josh_sealy 7 0:20:58
Joshua O'Sullivan (Dragonfly) Dragonfly 671 (archived 🏛) 1 Dragonfly dragonfly 1 0:00:29
Juho Ruohonen (ocelot) Juho 'ocelot' Ruohonen 96 34 Ocelot 6 (archived 🏛) 42 Ocelot ocelot 42 1:05:34
Justin Baliao (tinotormed) Justin 'tinotormed' Baliao 260 4 tinotormed 431 (archived 🏛) 103 tinotormed tinotormed 179 16:53:50
Justin Kelly (Breezeep) Breezeep 526 (archived 🏛) 2 Breezeep breezeep 2 0:00:50
Kai-Uwe Humpert (Gazelle) kai (archived 🗺) Kai-Uwe 'Gazelle' Humpert 73 Yes 255 Kai-Uwe Humpert 111 (archived 🏛) 288 Kai-Uwe Humpert kai-uwe_humpert 289 26:26:12
Kam Tovalski Kam Tovalski kam_tovalski 104 9:09:25
Kara Rader (Nanami) Kara Rader 118 (archived 🏛) 1 Kara Rader kara_rader 1 0:02:12
Karim El-Sheikh (Kimo Xvirus) Kimo 'Kimo Xvirus' Xvirus 77 71 Kimo Xvirus 184 (archived 🏛) 293 Kimo Xvirus kimo_xvirus 318 5:15:52
Keagan Dunn Dunn & Dunn dunndunn 22 2:33:43
Keene Ho (Mutlee) Keene 'Mutlee' Ho 74 5 Keene Ho 375 (archived 🏛) 5 Keene Ho keene_ho 5 0:25:32
Kevin Reay (Magikal) Magikal 30 (archived 🏛) 36 Magikal magikal 36 10:27:19
Kieran Millar (Melon) Kieran Millar 361 (archived 🏛) 27 Kieran Millar kieran_millar 27 1:26:57
Killer5 Killer5 554 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 48 Killer5 killer5 59 15:07:27
Kim Bach (Torn) Kim 'Torn' Bach 168 7 Kim "Torn" Bach 106 (archived 🏛) 58 Kim "Torn" Bach kim_torn_bach 58 1:29:42
Kim Lundqvist (N.C.) Kim 'N.C.' Lundqvist 95 1 Kim Lundqvist 348 (archived 🏛) 7 Kim Lundqvist kim_lundqvist 7 0:02:17
KineticBeverage Kinetic kinetic 232 47:29:47
Kraflab Kraflab 481 (archived 🏛) 572 Kraflab kraflab 763 21:36:43
Kristian Ronge Kristian 'Ronge' Ronge 153 22 Kristian Ronge 24 (archived 🏛) 397 Kristian Ronge kristian_ronge 396 9:40:16
kunkun Kunkun 'kunkun' 217 10 Kunkun 448 (archived 🏛) 33 Kunkun kunkun 33 3:57:34
kvothesixstring kvothesixstring kvothesixstring 779 11:33:14
Kyle McAwesome Kyle 'Kyle' McAwesome 165 7 Kyle McAwesome 310 (archived 🏛) 640 Kyle McAwesome kyle_mcawesome 1588 53:39:09
Laszlo Gere (Slade) Laszlo 'Slade' Gere 241 5 Slade 447 (archived 🏛) 14 Slade slade 14 0:46:13
Laszlo Vecsei (Waldon) Laszlo 'Waldon' Vecsei 140 31 Laszlo Vecsei 95 (archived 🏛) 83 Laszlo Vecsei laszlo_vecsei 83 1:51:42
Laura Herrmann (BahdKo) BahdKo 'BahdKo' 13 9 BahdKo 208 (archived 🏛) 14 BahdKo bahdko 14 0:46:39
Laure Laure laure 394 7:16:33
Laurent Sebellin (Squonk) Laurent 'Squonk' Sebellin 44 2 Laurent Sebellin 193 (archived 🏛) 60 Laurent Sebellin laurent_sebellin 63 3:08:27
Ledmeister Ledmeister 71 (archived 🏛) 37 Ledmeister ledmeister 37 3:59:50
Lee Szymanski Lee Szymanski 107 (archived 🏛) 5 Lee Szymanski lee_szymanski 5 0:20:53
Leonard Daniels (JackDBS) JackDBS jackdbs 86 4:09:33
Light_Speed Light_Speed 311 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 453 Light_Speed light_speed 473 34:59:07
lirui1001 lirui1001 lirui1001 898 80:08:12
Looper Looper 'looper' 84 60 Looper 295 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 250 Looper looper 303 14:00:21
Luleta Luleta luleta 262 10:53:36
M. Phoenix Dailey (Archy) M. 'Archy' Phoenix Dailey 155 Yes 75 Archy 261 (archived 🏛) 84 Archy archy 84 4:55:06
Maëllig Desmottes (Ch0wW) Maëllig 'Ch0wW' Desmottes 215 2 Ch0wW 441 (archived 🏛) 37 Ch0wW ch0ww 203 6:50:47
Malcolm Sailor Malcolm Sailor 87 (archived 🏛) 5 Malcolm Sailor malcolm_sailor 5 0:56:10
Maribo Maribo maribo 1306 67:30:38
Marijo Sedlić (Sedlo) sedlo (archived 🗺) Marijo 'Sedlo' Sedlić 85 Yes 173 Sedlo 53 (archived 🏛) 191 Sedlo sedlo 191 4:41:04
Marko van der Want marko (archived 🗺) Marko 'Python' van der Want 110 Yes 15 Marko van der Want 225 (archived 🏛) 927 Marko van der Want marko_van_der_want 929 15:07:40
Martin Friberg (Cocoon) Martin Friberg 78 (archived 🏛) 21 Martin Friberg martin_friberg 21 2:27:21
Master Medi Master Medi master_medi 146 11:06:13
matador matador matador 5 0:07:19
Mate Crnčević (Relic) Neuro 'Neuro' Neuro 227 Yes 4 Relic 357 (archived 🏛) 92 Neuro neuro 90 1:16:02
Matt Cibulas (RottKing) RottKing 293 (archived 🏛) 1 RottKing rottking 1 0:46:44
Matt Powell (cannonball) Cannonball 364 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 277 Cannonball cannonball 279 12:35:08
Matthias Worch Matthias Worch 142 (archived 🏛) 2 Matthias Worch matthias_worch 2 0:51:28
Mattias Berggren Mattias Berggren 120 (archived 🏛) 2 Mattias Berggren mattias_berggren 2 0:14:01
Maxime Bisiaux (Datacore) Datacore85 datacore85 33 2:05:30
Memfis Memfis 319 (archived 🏛) 499 Memfis memfis 499 26:00:31
Meowgi Meowgi meowgi 555 15:21:04
Mephisto Mephisto 155 (archived 🏛) 2 Mephisto mephisto 2 0:03:07
mhrz mhrz mhrz 394 17:46:10
Michael Grube (migru) Michael Grube 112 (archived 🏛) 79 Michael Grube michael_grube 79 18:40:31
Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce) Michael Jan Krizik 639 (archived 🏛) 1 Michael Jan Krizik michael_jan_krizik 1 0:00:47
Michael Krause Michael Krause 42 (archived 🏛) 2 Michael Krause michael_krause 2 0:30:03
Michael Novikov Michael Novikov 5 (archived 🏛) 362 Michael Novikov michael_novikov 362 80:42:03
Michael Reid (prower) Mike 'prower' Reid 109 5 Mike Reid 134 (archived 🏛) 15 Mike Reid mike_reid 16 1:47:58
Mike Alfredson (Use3D) Use3d 81 (archived 🏛) 1 Use3d use3d 1 0:34:26
Mike Toliver toliver (archived 🗺) Mike 'Toliver' Toliver 128 Yes 6 Mike Toliver 7 (archived 🏛) 374 Mike Toliver mike_toliver 374 83:09:37
Mike Watson (Cyb) Mike Watson 68 (archived 🏛) 9 Mike Watson mike_watson 9 0:33:39
Mikolah Mikolah mikolah 17 0:24:50
Monsieur E Monsieur E monsieur_e 158 4:03:44
Muumi muumi muumi 80 3:39:38
Napsalm Napsalm napsalm 1739 14:29:45
Natalya Shilyaeva (QWERTY) Natalya 'QWERTY' Shilyaeva 111 11 Natalya Shilyaeva 153 (archived 🏛) 13 QWERTY qwerty 102 2:12:37
NaZa DoomLover234 568 (archived 🏛) 14 DoomLover234 doomlover234 14 0:12:09
Nefelibeta Nefelibeta nefelibeta 4 0:09:11
Nevanos Nevanos 284 (archived 🏛) 206 Nevanos nevanos 220 33:49:47
NiGHTS108 NiGHTS108 nights108 120 2:16:25
NightTerror NightTerror nightterror 77 10:39:03
Nikolay Kamnev (Heretic) Heretic 186 (archived 🏛) 125 Heretic heretic 125 14:40:41
Nine Inch Heels Nine Inch Heels 609 (archived 🏛) 23 Nine Inch Heels nine_inch_heels 42 2:30:03
NinjaDelphox NinjaDelphox ninjadelphox 12 0:37:27
NoisyVelvet NoisyVelvet 606 (archived 🏛) 36 NoisyVelvet noisyvelvet 382 10:36:52
NoReason NoReason noreason 55 7:33:47
Ole Hartvigsen (hartvix) Ole 'hartvix' Hartvigsen 58 26 Ole Hartvigsen 374 (archived 🏛) 31 Ole Hartvigsen ole_hartvigsen 31 2:36:16
Orii Orii orii 345 21:34:16
Owen Lloyd (Sarge Baldy) Sarge Baldy 179 (archived 🏛) 1 Sarge Baldy sarge_baldy 1 0:02:27
Oyvind Stenhaug oyvind (archived 🗺) Oyvind 'Oyvind' Stenhaug 100 Yes 65 Oyvind Stenhaug 207 (archived 🏛) 61 Oyvind Stenhaug oyvind_stenhaug 61 2:58:15
Paf Paf paf 2 0:03:09
Patrick Martin Patrick 'Martin' Martin 87 33 Patrick Martin 123 (archived 🏛) 66 Patrick Martin patrick_martin 66 21:32:13
Paul Falstad Paul 'falstad' Falstad 49 5 Paul Falstad 38 (archived 🏛) 6 Paul Falstad paul_falstad 6 0:44:44
Paul Hiebert (Creaphis) Creaphis 242 (archived 🏛) 39 Creaphis creaphis 39 2:09:32
Peo Sjöblom peo (archived 🗺) Peo 'Peo' Sjoblom 104 Yes 279 Peo Sjoblom 98 (archived 🏛) 420 Peo Sjoblom peo_sjoblom 420 66:43:42
Petyan Petyan petyan 97 19:57:37
Philnemba Philnemba 283 (archived 🏛) 151 Philnemba philnemba 287 3:40:29
Phml Phml 266 (archived 🏛) 224 Phml phml 225 15:25:17
Phoenyx Phoenyx phoenyx 306 25:34:53
Plerb Plerb plerb 25 0:17:43
Przemysław Woda (Belial) Przemysław 'Belial' Woda 169 4 Belial 90 (archived 🏛) 100 Belial belial 100 10:50:13
Qingshuo Wang (piXel reX) Qingshuo Wang 103 (archived 🏛) 1 Qingshuo Wang qingshuo_wang 1 0:04:49
Radek Pecka radek (archived 🗺) Radek 'Radek' Pecka 112 Yes 482 Radek Pecka 52 (archived 🏛) 617 Radek Pecka radek_pecka 644 50:32:40
Ralf Schreivogel Ralf 'Ralf' Schreivogel 113 4 Ralf Schreivogel 16 (archived 🏛) 15 Ralf Schreivogel ralf_schreivogel 101 3:51:59
Ralph Vickers (Ralphis) Ralph Vickers 63 (archived 🏛) 1 Ralph Vickers ralph_vickers 1 0:02:01
Ranjo Kahluff (Mummi) mummi (archived 🗺) Ranjo 'Mummi' Kahluff 93 Yes 4 Ranjo Kahluff 211 (archived 🏛) 5 Ranjo Kahluff ranjo_kahluff 5 0:04:55
Ravendesk Ravendesk ravendesk 660 15:37:32
Razgriz Razgriz razgriz 12 0:57:16
Red-XIII Red-XIII 'Red-XIII' 158 10 Red-XIII 257 (archived 🏛) 235 Red-XIII red-xiii 242 18:18:44
RedBoule RedBoule redboule 69 3:15:42
RestlessRodent GhostlyDeath 399 (archived 🏛) 2 GhostlyDeath ghostlydeath 2 0:29:09
Revved Revved 'Revved' 152 107 Revved 259 (archived 🏛) 1293 Revved revved 1854 220:10:40
Ricardo Bischoff (Rizera) Ricardo 'Rizera' Bischoff 214 1 Rizera 324 (archived 🏛) 172 Rizera rizera 172 15:40:16
Richard Hardacre (Cycloid) Cycloid 27 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 34 Cycloid cycloid 34 2:55:53
Richard J. Sham Richard 'Sham' J. Sham 120 2 Rich J. Sham 33 (archived 🏛) 282 Rich J. Sham rich_j_sham 283 52:10:55
Rob Young (RjY) RjY 26 (archived 🏛) 44 RjY rjy 44 5:12:46
Robert Eckhardt (Ichor) Robert Eckhardt robert_eckhardt 2 0:33:29
Robert Reevy robert (archived 🗺) Robert 'Reevy' J. Reevy 114 Yes 76 Robert Reevy 249 (archived 🏛) 75 Robert Reevy robert_reevy 68 2:30:51
RockyGaming4725 RockyGaming4725 rockygaming4725 226 1:38:40
Roger Moraga Roger Moraga 135 (archived 🏛) 22 Roger Moraga roger_moraga 22 5:30:41
Roofi Roofi 594 (archived 🏛) 65 Roofi roofi 122 29:25:11
Rudy Jurjako (Hellcat) Rudy 'Rudy' Jurjako 116 18 Rudy Jurjako 62 (archived 🏛) 42 Rudy Jurjako rudy_jurjako 42 5:12:00
Ryan Barreras (DomRem) Ryan Barreras 115 (archived 🏛) 28 Ryan Barreras ryan_barreras 28 0:23:16
Ryan Mallon (ryiron) ryiron ryiron 86 5:14:51
Sam Woodman (Metabolist) Sam Woodman 73 (archived 🏛) 84 Sam Woodman sam_woodman 84 6:20:03
Santtu Pesonen (MFG38) MFG38 mfg38 603 10:44:11
scifista42 scifista42 558 (archived 🏛) 1
Sebastian Graham (General Rainbow Bacon) DoomHero85 271 (archived 🏛) 136 DoomHero85 doomhero85 149 6:14:32
Selim Benabdelkhalek (Bastard) selim (archived 🗺) Selim 'Bastard' Benabdelkhalek 118 Yes 105 Selim Benabdelkhalek 2 (archived 🏛) 316 Selim Benabdelkhalek selim_benabdelkhalek 316 7:38:07
Seongbae Park (antares031) antares031 686 (archived 🏛) 3 antares031 antares031 8 1:43:41
Serge Marudov (Never_Again) Serge 'Never_Again' Marudov 119 17 Never_Again 8 (archived 🏛) 748 Never_Again never_again 776 95:08:55
Shadowman Shadowman 436 (archived 🏛) 1 Shadowman shadowman 1 0:21:43
Simon Broadhead (VolteFace) VolteFace 139 (archived 🏛) 7 VolteFace volteface 7 0:29:56
Simon Widlake Simon 'Widlake' Widlake 143 79 Simon Widlake 344 (archived 🏛) 75 Simon Widlake simon_widlake 74 8:39:23
Spectre01 Spectre01 595 (archived 🏛) 47 Spectre01 spectre01 48 15:48:28
Spendoragon Spendoragon spendoragon 78 2:12:55
Stan Gula (SkullBane) Stan Gula stan_gula 19 10:26:27
Steffen Udluft (Rini) rini (archived 🗺) Steffen 'Rini' Udluft 115 Yes 194 Steffen Udluft 363 (archived 🏛) 194 Steffen Udluft steffen_udluft 173 14:39:52
Steffen Winterfeldt Steffen 'Steffen' Winterfeldt 125 20 Steffen Winterfeldt 411 (archived 🏛) 19 Steffen Winterfeldt steffen_winterfeldt 19 2:39:40
Stephen Clark (The Ultimate DooMer) Stephen Clark 116 (archived 🏛) 19 Stephen Clark stephen_clark 19 5:03:52
Sven Huth (Dasa) Sven 'dasa' Huth 30 28 Dasa 233 (archived 🏛) 52 Dasa dasa 52 7:25:00
Sverre André Kvernmo (Cranium) Sverre Kvernmo 110 (archived 🏛) 4 Sverre Kvernmo sverre_kvernmo 5 2:01:41
T. Elliot Cannon (Myscha the Sled Dog) Myscha, the Sled Dog 101 (archived 🏛) 3 Myscha, the Sled Dog myscha_the_sled_dog 3 1:06:37
Tamas Flamich Tamas 'Tamas' Flamich 148 5 Tamas Flamich 194 (archived 🏛) 6 Tamas Flamich tamas_flamich 6 0:11:41
Tatsuya Ito (Tatsurd-cacocaco) Tatsuya 'Tatsurd-cacocaco' Ito 149 135 Tatsurd-cacocaco 178 (archived 🏛) 416 Tatsurd-cacocaco tatsurd_cacocaco 557 83:15:35
taviow taviow taviow 7 0:34:49
Teedre Teedre teedre 589 7:36:00
Terrarienn Terrarienn terrarienn 344 9:49:31
Tezur0 Tezur0 tezur0 494 26:04:31
Thomas Baden (Scorpius) Scorpius scorpius 127 1:04:56
Thomas Kroppen (Poeppy) poeppy (archived 🗺) Thomas 'Poeppy' Kroppen 106 Yes 30 Thomas Kroppen 366 (archived 🏛) 30 Thomas Kroppen thomas_kroppen 21 1:19:10
Thomas Pilger (Panter) panter (archived 🗺) Thomas 'Panter' Pilger 101 Yes 223 Thomas Pilger 279 (archived 🏛) 245 Thomas Pilger thomas_pilger 245 11:34:52
Thomas Zajic (GoDfAtHeR) godfather (archived 🗺) Thomas 'GoDfAtHeR' Zajic 147 Yes 0 Thomas Zajic 359 (archived 🏛) 65 Thomas Zajic thomas_zajic 52 1:39:47
TimeOfDeath Chris 'TimeOfDeath' Balch 230 0 TimeOfDeath 204 (archived 🏛) 377 TimeOfDeath timeofdeath 388 67:04:48
Tomas Kollar (DeDo) Tomas 'DeDo' Kollar 79 31 Tomas Kollar 83 (archived 🏛) 90 Tomas Kollar tomas_kollar 90 17:13:45
Trevor Cheng (Daiyu Xiaoxiang) Daiyu Xiaoxiang 306 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 807 Daiyu Xiaoxiang daiyu_xiaoxiang 808 56:37:38
Tristan Clark Eris Falling 438 (archived 🏛) 11 Eris Falling eris_falling 11 0:26:20
Uwe Girlich Uwe 'girlich' Girlich 55 40 Uwe Girlich 378 (archived 🏛) 38 Uwe Girlich uwe_girlich 38 2:09:55
Vaclav Kunes (bolton) bolton (archived 🗺) Vaclav 'Bolton' Kunes 18 Yes 27 Vaclav Kunes 209 (archived 🏛) 62 Vaclav Kunes vaclav_kunes 62 0:49:29
Varun Abhirama Krishna Varun Abhirama 64 (archived 🏛) 25 Varun Abhirama varun_abhirama 25 0:49:46
Vasily Vasilyev (38_ViTa_38) 38_ViTa_38 552 (archived 🏛) 156 38_ViTa_38 38_vita_38 176 4:25:07
vdgg Vdgg 'vdgg' 151 155 vdgg 229 (archived 🏛) 841 vdgg vdgg 1217 205:41:15
Veinen Veinen 453 (archived 🏛) 240 Veinen veinen 432 39:22:50
vertigo vertigo 679 (archived 🏛) 1 vertigo vertigo 1 0:01:59
Vick Bobkov (Virgil the Doom Poet) Virgil 70 (archived 🏛) 13 Virgil virgil 13 3:00:09
Victor Gasior (Rivi the Warlock) RiviTheWarlock rivithewarlock 6 0:07:04
Vincent Catalaá (Peroxyd) vincent (archived 🗺) Vincent 'PerOxyd' Catalaa 135 Yes 270 Vincent Catalaa 55 (archived 🏛) 1154 Vincent Catalaa vincent_catalaa 1460 103:24:32
Vladimir Bespalov (Demonologist) Demonologist 401 (archived 🏛) 28 Demonologist demonologist 29 3:05:12
Vladimir Monakhov (skepticist) Vladimir 'Vladimir' Monakhov 228 0 Skepticist 206 (archived 🏛) 339 Skepticist skepticist 339 26:26:11
Vladislav Baymurzin (ClumsyDoomer) ClumsyDoomer 331 (archived 🏛) 120 ClumsyDoomer clumsydoomer 127 3:31:20
Vortale Vortale vortale 5 0:13:20
Walter Confalonieri (daimon) Walter Confalonieri 536 (archived 🏛) 12 Walter Confalonieri walter_confalonieri 14 0:19:31
William Huber (WH-Wilou84) William Huber 240 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 129 William Huber william_huber 182 21:01:56
Wim Vanrie (The Mole) Wim 'wim' Vanrie 156 1 Wim Vanrie 12 (archived 🏛) 88 Wim Vanrie wim_vanrie 88 5:37:39
xepop Xepop 'xepop' 138 17 xepop 263 (archived 🏛) 52 xepop xepop 52 1:51:32
Yashar Garibzadeh (GeminI) Yashar 'GeminI' Garibzadeh 54 35 Yashar Garibzadeh 18 (archived 🏛) 51 Yashar Garibzadeh yashar_garibzadeh 51 4:12:59
Yonatan Donner yonatan (archived 🗺) Yonatan 'Zem' Donner 145 Yes 194 Yonatan Donner 11 (archived 🏛) 380 Yonatan Donner yonatan_donner 380 40:27:06
Yousuf Anik Yousuf Anik yousuf_anik 177 22:34:08
Zachary Stephens (Ribbiks) Ribbiks 424 (archived 🏛) 36 Ribbiks ribbiks 37 5:52:03
Zahid Zahid 415 (archived 🏛) 564 Zahid zahid 747 63:59:36
Zan-zan-zawa-veia Zan-zan-zawa-veia 537 (archived 🏛) 6 Zan-zan-zawa-veia zan-zan-zawa-veia 8 0:19:36
Zero-Master Zero-Master 'Zero-Master' 244 1 Zero-Master 508 (archived 🏛) 143 Zero-Master zero-master 265 41:48:06
Zvonimir Bužanić (fx) zvonimir (archived 🗺) Zvonimir 'fx' Bužanić 42 Yes 57 Zvonimir Bužanić 215 (archived 🏛) Yes (archived 🏛) 66 Zvonimir Bužanić zvonimir_buzanic 66 2:27:38

Compet-n record tables[edit]

srUpdCatRecs.php displays the records table in one category for one WAD, including the notes column; the note numbers are defined as a look-up table in the script. It uses the WADs' existing .ini files to look up map articles for map IDs, and the above speedrunners database to look up player articles. The script can optionally verify all demo .zip links via HTTP HEAD requests, which was used once for a maintenance check. invokes srUpdCatRecs.php for all 11 WADs in sequence to compile the entire "Current records" section for a specified category, including the two references sections with the note descriptions. The section is copy/pasted manually into the corresponding article.

srUpdWadRecs.php collects episode and full run records of each of Ultimate Doom's four episodes or for one (or all) of the ten other WADs, and updates their "Current records" sections. Always provides interactive comparison between old and new contents of the section, prior to submitting the edit.

srUpdMapRecs.php collects level run records for all maps in a specified WAD and updates their "Current records" sections, employing the usual .ini files and speedrunners database. The note numbers and descriptions are defined as look-up tables in the script. Always provides interactive comparison between old and new contents of the section, prior to submitting the edit.

srUpdPlyRecs.php collects level run records for a specified (or all) speedrunner(s) on the IWADs, if present, and generates the 8-column, color-coded table for the categories as well as the short totals table. Appended are summaries of the level run records on the PWADs and of the episode and full run records, if present. The resulting "Current Compet-n records" section is added (above "External links") or updated in the player article, with the site name wikilinked in that header only if it's the first mention on the page. Always provides interactive comparison between old and new contents of the section, prior to submitting the edit.

Color schemes[edit]


Header #F2F2F2
Doom #E4FFE4
TNT: Evilution #EAEAFF
Plutonia #FFEAEA

Soft neutrals[edit]

Header #F2F2F2
Doom #E1CEC9
TNT: Evilution #D2C1CE
Plutonia #B4BAD4


Header #F2F2F2
Doom II #B8E7D4
TNT: Evilution #FFE6AF
Plutonia #FFC889

B.light pastels[edit]

Header #F2F2F2
Doom #DEFDE0
TNT: Evilution #DEF3FD
Plutonia #F0DEFD

Pastel Bouquet[edit]

Header #F2F2F2
Doom #DEE2D9
Doom II #BEC7B4
TNT: Evilution #FCF1D8
Plutonia #F2CBBB

Pastel World[edit]

Header #F2F2F2
Doom #E0FEFE
TNT: Evilution #D3EEFF
Plutonia #EAEBFF

Pastel Calm[edit]

Header #F2F2F2
Doom #F9F0C1
Doom II #F4CDA6
TNT: Evilution #C0ECCC
Plutonia #A5C8E4


Header #F2F2F2
Doom II #B8E7D4
TNT: Evilution #E0FEFE
Plutonia #BDE5FF