Vine Mapping Contest 2016
The Vine Mapping Contest 2016 was an event organized by Joel "Vargskelethor" Johannson of the Vinesauce streaming team. The terms were simple: make a WAD with up to three maps, playable in ZDoom or GZDoom. It was followed two years later by Doom Mapping Contest II: Hellectric Boogaloo.
A total of 145 entries were accepted.
- Distribution Center by Blake Collins (Rayzik)
- dead.air by Xaser Acheron
- Cursed Realms - Path Over The Abyss by StormCatcher.77
Other contestants[edit]
- "2weeks" by "axemunger"
- "666 To Life" by "hollywood_sn202"
- "AbominableLabs" by "jawolf55"
- "A Boy and His Barrel" by James Paddock (Jimmy)
- "ASM Gorgamesh" by "gorgamesh_ile"
- "Babby's first doom map" by "ju5raj"
- "bandbass" by Jack Stewart (Jaxxoon R)
- "bandr" by Benjogami
- "Bathroom_Break" by "w1d3a55"
- "Beefcake" by "beefcakellama"
- "BG1313's Custom Doom Map" by "bl00dyghoul1313"
- "BoaReecieBoi's WAD" by "boareecieboi"
- "BoneyExorcism" by "lordzergeant"
- "CapnJoel" by "gigglythump"
- "Captain_Eko" by "legendarymarineeko"
- "CHEMICAL_BASE" by "marioman517"
- "church" by "xxnomouthpertxx"
- "Co0lMaPfOrCoNtEsT" by "john_thousand_1"
- "Crypt of Beelzebub" by "shadowmolasses"
- "CYBER_LABS" by "skelegant"
- "DANCEDOM" by "eziam1"
- "dark" by "skizzlepuss"
- "Darkest-Street-byDalvi" by "dalvidandy"
- "Deadly Torment" by "solarwolf64"
- "Decbot'sVineDoom" by "dec_bot"
- "DEMO" by "clanim - Stormdrain to Hell"
- "Doktor Snaikboi's Doom Level" by "doktorsnaikboi"
- "Doom Guy's House Invasion" by "gentlemanbentley"
- "Doom2" by "kamiyasi"
- "DOOM2" by "realgoldenbacon"
- "DoomInfiltration" by "argestus"
- "DoomTale" by "mimoz_220"
- "DowntownJunction" by A2Rob
- "DungeonOfDoom" by "supermafia00"
- "E1M1" by "forkie1"
- "EscapeFromReality" by "dustedenderman"
- "Faro" by Angry Saint
- "GDF_Vine2016" by "gdfauxtrot"
- "gs_thria" by "gunsmith34"
- "Halls of Suffering" by "splattenburgers"
- "Hell" by "ticciofthejeff"
- "Hellking" by "lizzaroro"
- "HellsKeep_AxeEel1" by "axeeel1"
- "Hellsworst" by "Kingwormo"
- "Hellworld" by "h4rdc0r3_p14y3r"
- "Helvete" by "hugo756"
- "holyshmoly" by "yensi78"
- "I have no idea what this is supposed to be" by "grenadedevil495"
- "Inside Hells Arsehole" by Grimosaur
- "island" by "rednev444"
- "itsabonertemple" by "cactushege"
- "Jag talar inte svenska, gå och Skit dig i näven" by "mrkoolman23"
- "jd" by "drawfuljesse"
- "jeklhyde" by "jp_ronny"
- "jobelmetaladventure" by "dragan232"
- "joelCC" by "lordamera"
- "Jorbel" by "darksauce56"
- "last duel in hell" by "smedis9"
- "Lava Refinery" by "genesisflareon"
- "Link2006_vargskelethor2016_1.1" by "link2006"
- "literallymyfirstmap" by "nwreaper"
- "LittleDoomMap" by "thesuperindigo"
- "Mansion of the Baron" by "mallaceus"
- "MAP FOR JOEL" by "AxeWorld"
- "Map One" by "aplayer12345"
- "MAP01 5:42:00" by "6thpeon"
- "map01" by "grogloopy"
- "MAP911" by "chutoy63"
- "MarsMission" by "riceyheck"
- "Mashup" by "hoodoo456"
- "MaxwellK_VineDOOM" by "maxwellkepler"
- "METALG1" by "sephorabrainvibes"
- "Mining Base Alpha" by "a_spooky_skelo"
- "MMap" by "malicious_tea"
- "monopuzzle-demo" by "csnxs"
- "myfirstwad" by "jayfeatherismywaifu"
- "Mymapson" by "sirgarchomp"
- "Nightlife" by Joshua O'Sullivan (Dragonfly)
- "neighbor" by "lmo9181"
- "nomswad" by "nomdotexe"
- "NOTDAM" by "sirbasil102"
- "now its the time" by "riibber"
- "Phlogiston" by Brett Harrell (Mechadon)
- "Pitted Hell" by "monkey2402"
- "PizzaQuest" by "mynameiszz"
- "Ponqo_MappingContest2016" by "ponvo"
- "Reawakening" by "chibisilax"
- "Research Temple 01" by "dest544"
- "Revenant Revnege" by "willi76345"
- "RottenMindRottenGutts" by "luxatronas3000"
- "shimsir84" (Eldritch Citadel) by IvanDobrovski
- "SHNightOfTheLivingDoom" by "zaphael"
- "Short and Sweet" by "aquacycle"
- "Shovelware Adventure!" by Doomkid
- "SHRINE" by Lola Harvey (BlueWorrior)
- "skeleton++" by "nullscarab"
- "Staff Management Problems" by "iremembernorussiani"
- "Steep Town" by Matt Cibulas (RottKing)
- "Stowaway" by "Reckless_James"
- "SturgysWad" by "misturgy"
- "succ is dead" by "lazorinc"
- "SuperFjord_2016" by "superfjord"
- "Temple of DOOM" by "duckyquackington"
- "The Depths of Hell" by "mastersofreality"
- "The Fance Final V4" by "hoxie69"
- "The Most Amazing WAD on The Stream" by "skelivi"
- "The Temple" by "sgtnailer"
- "The_Necromancer_Doom2" by "fiftyshadesofginger"
- "the_wreck" by "blazinggaming4"
- "TheAlcoholVenture" by "gamevoin1"
- "TheDamnedSouls" by "473b"
- "TIMALLEN" by "afrodynomite"
- "Time Travel in Doom II" by "neo2point3hylanmay"
- "toiletpaper" by "mattczarmander"
- "Trap" by "coketheayylmao"
- "TRIALTOHELL" by xxdjvxx
- "TwitchHQ" by doomtherobot
- "UACRevis" by "jirdas666"
- "Untitled" by "szunyzoli999"
- "VARG" by "thedickwolf"
- "Vine Source" by Pinchy
- "VineContest" by "gabrielwc2000"
- "VineHell_By_Masterchief461" by "masterchief461"
- "VINEMAPS" by "jackbigdaddy2"
- "Vinesauce Level Competition" by "dalemuh"
- "Vinesauce" by "blue_bomber_man"
- "Vinesauce" by "tindrone"
- "VINESAUCE2016" by "sinncitycrazy"
- "VineyAndSaucey" by "michael9r9r"
- "VMCmartini1179" by "martini1179"
- "Volcano Base" by "pluswplus"
- "VsRevenge" by "boltscrap"
- "worst wad on the goddamn planet" by "poopmansoup"
- "NO_MEMES_ALLOWED" by "lkymn"
- "ZLostWoods" by "murugo"