WOOO is 32 level joke WAD for Doom II, requiring a ZDoom based source port. Similar to Mock 2: The Speed of Stupid, the WAD relies on ridiculous enemy placement, gratuitous abuse of ZDoom features, and intentionally terrible map design. The WAD was uploaded on /idgames archive on October 25, 2013. At the Cacowards 2013 it was highlighted in a "Sing the Praises of Pants" sidebar. The sequel, WOOO 2, was released a year later.
- MAP01: An edited version of "Running From Evil" by Bobby Prince
- MAP02: My Little Pony - "Babs Seed" sequenced to MIDI by Cat333Pokémon/Daniel Ingram
- MAP03: ???
- MAP04: ???
- MAP05: Bobby Prince - "DOOM"; "Tribute to Pants" from Mystery Science Theater 3000 is played at the end
- MAP06: The Beatles - "Yesterday"
- MAP07: Fleetwood Mac - "The Chain"
- MAP08: Jazz Lagoon
- MAP10: A music by Scypek2
- MAP11: Rednex - "Cotton Eyed Joe"
- MAP12: Phantom of the Opera
- MAP13: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Symphony No. 41 in C major (first movement)
- MAP14: Popcorn
- MAP15: The Cure - "Lullaby"
- MAP17: Nyan Cat MIDI
- MAP18: A remixed version of "At Doom's Gate" by Bobby Prince
- MAP19: Bon Jovi - "You Give a Love a Bad Name"
- MAP20: An edited version of "The Demon's Dead" by Bobby Prince
- MAP21: Pearl Jam - "Even Flow" (Speed up edit)
- MAP22: Old Man's Child - "Return of the Night's Creature" sequenced to MIDI by Matt Anderson
- MAP23: Tom White (Hyena) - "Dangerous Pez" (from Mock 2 MAP10)
- MAP24: Chip's Challenge - "Chip02", sequenced by King Meteor
- MAP25: ???
- MAP26: FrizzleFried - "The Rage of Mankind"
- MAP27: ???
- MAP28: carmid3.mid
- MAP29: Old Man's Child - "Evil Revalations", sequenced to MIDI by Matt Anderson
- MAP30: ???
- MAP31: Juan J. Alva - "Guerra"
- MAP32: Reizoko CJ - "Hare Hare Hare Hare Hare Hare"
- Title screen: ???
- Intermission: "Mai Boi!" Sparta remix, unknown author
- Text screen: Old Man's Child - "Swallowed by a Buried One", sequenced to MIDI by Matt Anderson
External links[edit]