Weapon skin

From DoomWiki.org

Weapon skins are cosmetic changes to the weapons in Doom Eternal. The game comes with three main texture themes (Astro, Maykr, and Praetor), and in addition weapons can have themes specific to them.

Name Weapon Unlock
Astro BFG-9000 Kill 150 demons with the BFG.
Astro Chaingun Master the weapon.
Astro Plasma rifle Master the weapon.
Bloodstained Super shotgun Travel over 850m via meathook.
Caution Rocket launcher Part of series 1.
Classic Combat shotgun Pre-order bonus (Rip and Tear Pack)
Desert camo Chaingun Part of series 2.
Flannel Heavy cannon Part of series 10.
Maykr Combat shotgun Part of series 4.
Maykr Rocket launcher Master the weapon.
Maykr Super shotgun Master the weapon.
Maykr Ballista Master the weapon.
Praetor Combat shotgun Master the weapon.
Praetor Heavy cannon Master the weapon.
Psychedelic Plasma rifle Part of series 2.
Pursuit Of Happiness Rocket Launcher Part of series 7.
Rune-scarred Ballista Part of series 1.