WolfenDOOM (Doom)

From DoomWiki.org

Title screen

WolfenDOOM is a series of Doom mods which use the graphics from Wolfenstein 3D to recreate the complete Wolfenstein game using the Doom engine. The author, Laz Rojas, has also gone beyond the original Wolfenstein levels by creating some brand new scenarios.

WolfenDOOM includes support for the Apple Macintosh version of Doom in addition to the more common DOS version.

Source modifications[edit]

The original releases of The Original Missions, The Nocturnal Missions and Spear of Destiny rely on a separate executable, being a custom source modification, derived from Boom. Each of these modified executables was coded by Joel Murdoch. The filenames of these executables are:

  • The Original Missions: ORIGINAL.EXE
  • The Nocturnal Missions: NOCTURN.EXE
  • Spear of Destiny: SOD.EXE

WolfenDoom: Spear of Destiny[edit]

This includes SOD.EXE. Unlike the later releases, Spear of Destiny does not carry a ENGINE.TXT. However, the idgames archive includes SODDIFF.TXT, a text file that describes the differences compared to Boom. It can be renamed to a -diff file which can then be compiled against the Boom source code.


  • Based on Boom 2.01
  • Version 1.0 executable release: November 30, 1998
    • SODDIFF.TXT release: February 6, 1999
  • SOD.WAD and SOD.DEH are loaded automatically
  • New startup and end screens (minor change, nothing major)
  • Old title music restored
  • Reads unique savegame and configuration files
  • Original Spear of Destiny par times restored
  • Old Spear of Destiny and Wolfenstein 3D music included
  • 320x200 end screen replaces tiled flat and overlaid text
  • Secret exits restructured to match the original game

WolfenDoom: The Nocturnal Missions[edit]

This includes NOCTURN.EXE. Version 1.0 was, according to the liner notes, the first program released by Joel Murdoch. The latest version is version 1.5, which was offered as an upgrade.


  • Based on Boom 2.01
  • Version 1.5 executable release: December 17, 1998
    • Version 1.0 executable release: June 24, 1998
    • ENGINE.TXT release: June 25, 1998
  • Both WADs and the DEH are loaded automatically
  • New startup and end screens (minor change, nothing major)
  • Old title music restored
  • Episode selection menu implemented (removes the need for batch files)
  • BJ no longer screams in pain as he leaps for joy in the "cast list" :)
  • New screen border
  • Reads unique savegame and configuration files
  • Menu entry graphics are now all in the correct font
  • Original Wolfenstein 3D par times restored
  • General optimisations, removal of unnecessary code
  • Tenth level title graphics no longer display at the end of the episode
  • NOCT15.WAD includes the NOCTSND.WAD sound
  • Gretel and Hans Grosse drop gold keys when killed just like in the original
  • Secret exits and "cast list" code rewritten so all three episodes can be in the one WAD
  • New intermissions. The original 320x200 backgrounds from the orginal are included
  • Exit messages from the original game reproduced

WolfenDoom: The Original Missions[edit]

This includes ORIGINAL.EXE. Unlike the other source modifications, The Original Missions seems based on Boom version 2.02 in its latest version. The latest version is version 1.5, which was offered as an upgrade.


  • Based on Boom 2.02
  • Version 1.5 executable release: December 17, 1998
    • ENGINE.TXT release: July 26, 1998
  • Both WADs and the DEH are loaded automatically
  • Episodes end correctly (error in the original ORIGINAL.DEH)
  • New startup and end screens (minor change, nothing major)
  • Old title music restored
  • Episode selection menu implemented (removes the need for batch files)
  • BJ no longer screams in pain as he leaps for joy in the "cast list" :)
  • New screen border
  • Reads unique savegame and configuration files
  • Menu entry graphics are now all in the correct font
  • Original Wolfenstein 3D par times restored
  • General optimisations, removal of unnecessary code
  • Tenth level title graphics no longer display at the end of the episode
  • Hans Grosse drops a gold key when killed just like in the original
  • Secret exits and "cast list" code rewritten so all three episodes can be in the one WAD
  • New intermissions. The original 320x200 backgrounds from the orginal are included
  • Exit messages from the original game reproduced
  • Hitler has two states, armoured and normal, like in the original


  • The Original Missions in its latest version claims it is based on Boom 2.02. This is however hard to verify: Boom 2.02 was released on October 22, 1998. The Original Missions's ENGINE.TXT is from July 26, but the executable became available in December, after the release of Boom 2.02. This would not explain why the executables from Spear of Destiny and The Nocturnal Missions were released after Boom 2.02, but are Boom 2.01 based.
  • Astrostein 2 includes a custom PLAYPAL and COLORMAP lump, the only entry of the series to do so.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]


Original scenarios: