Doom (Xbox 360)


(Redirected from XBLA)
Split-screen multiplayer is supported by both games on the Xbox 360.

The Ultimate Doom, named simply Doom on the service, was released as a download for the Xbox 360 on the Xbox Live Arcade service on September 27, 2006 for 800 Microsoft Points, ultimately getting its price halved to 400 points ($5 US). A one-level trial version was also available. However, in September 2010 the game was delisted from the service catalogue, following the acquisition of id Software by ZeniMax Media and the accompanying transfer of publishing rights from Activision to Bethesda Softworks. On January 18, 2012, it was relisted, published this time by Bethesda.

The port was developed by Nerve Software and Vicarious Visions.

A matching port of Doom II was released on May 26, 2010. This port includes a new episode, No Rest for the Living. The Doom II port and new episode were also developed by Nerve Software. The Doom II port is priced at 800 Microsoft points.

In 2012 the Xbox 360 Doom games were repackaged and distributed inside the Doom 3: BFG Edition disc and Steam release, expanding their availability to PC and Sony PlayStation 3. This was shortly followed by the PlayStation Network release of Doom Classic Complete, again bundled with the same engine.

These games became additionally available on the Xbox One console in 2016, both directly and through the Xbox 360 version of BFG Edition, through the console's backward compatibility program. Both Doom and Doom II were offered as part of the pre-order bonus for the 2016 Doom Digital Deluxe package on that platform.[1]


Differences between the Xbox 360 and PC versions[edit]

The game is an accurate port of the PC version, but features several differences.

New features[edit]


  • The controller buttons cannot be rebound.
  • Exit switches and portals are deactivated in deathmatch games.
  • Deathmatches are always played using altdeath rules; the classic deathmatch mode is unavailable.
  • In cooperative games a key picked up by one of the players is added to the inventory of all the other players as well.
  • No cheat codes.
  • The ability to freely scroll the automap is disabled (i.e. the automap is always in follow mode).
  • The gamma setting can not be altered.
  • The menu is different.
  • The button to return to the level's start after dying is fire instead of use.
  • Music is four beats slower, stored as MIDI files and played using GUS patches.


  • Various monsters are not in fast mode on the Nightmare skill level.
  • Games saved on 12 PM are shown to be saved on 12 AM.
  • Some drum instruments are not correct, for example in E1M9 some drum sounds are replaced by whistles and agogos.
  • Lighting has an issue which causes pitch dark rooms to look brighter than intended.


Doom has 12 achievements, totaling 200 Gamerscore.

Achievement Description GamerScore
Hoarder Find all items in a level. 5
Clean Slate Kill all monsters on a level with a difficulty of 'Hurt Me Plenty' or higher. 5
Scout Find any secret area within a level. 5
Nightmare Complete any level on Nightmare! 10
Neophyte Complete any level. 20
Episode One Complete Episode One on 'Hurt Me Plenty' or higher. 25
Episode Two Complete Episode Two on 'Hurt Me Plenty' or higher. 25
Episode Three Complete Episode Three on 'Hurt Me Plenty' or higher. 25
Episode Four Complete Episode Four on 'Hurt Me Plenty' or higher. 25
Rampage Complete all episodes on 'Ultra-Violence' or higher. 35
Rookie Acquire 50 kills on Xbox Live. 10
Destroyer Acquire 100 kills on Xbox Live. 10

Doom II[edit]

Differences between the Xbox 360 and PC versions[edit]

The game is an accurate port of the PC version, but features several differences.

New features[edit]


  • The controller buttons cannot be rebound. Weapons are grouped by ammo they use, on the directional pad.
  • Exit switches and portals are deactivated in deathmatch games.
  • In cooperative games a key picked up by one of the players is added to the inventory of all the other players as well.
  • No cheat codes.
  • The ability to freely scroll the automap is disabled (i.e. the automap is always in follow mode).
  • The gamma setting can not be altered.
  • The menu is different.
  • The button to return to the level's start after dying is fire instead of use.
  • Music is four beats slower, stored as MIDI files and played using GUS patches.
  • The medikit, stimpack and berserk item sprites have been changed to have a pill on the front, instead of a red cross; in compliance with Red Cross wishes that this symbol not be used without authorization.
  • If you leave a game, the title demo plays the last game you played over and over.


  • Sprite flickering can be seen randomly.
  • All sounds are played as if their sample rate was 11025 Hz, making the few 22050 Hz sounds (such as DSDBLOAD) slowed down.
  • The volume of sounds is not affected by distance.


Doom II has 12 achievements, totaling 200 Gamerscore, most of which are earned in similar ways as the Doom port's achievements. Most Doom II achievements are named after lines in the Doom comic.

Achievement Description GamerScore
Just Getting Started Complete any level in single player. 10
Rip and Tear Complete any level on Nightmare! in single player. 20
Superior Firepower Complete all levels on Ultra-Violence or higher in single player. 25
An Important Looking Door Find a secret area of a level in single player. 10
From Earth To Hell Complete all levels in Doom II: Hell on Earth in single player. 25
And Back Again Complete all levels in Doom II: No Rest for the Living in single player. 25
Burning Out of Control Complete any level with 100% kills, items, and secrets in single player. 15
Destroyer Get 100 frags in deathmatch on Xbox Live. 20
The Great Communicator Get 20 kills using the chainsaw in a single level in single player. 10
A Man and a Half Get 20 kills using the berserk powerup in a single level in single player. 10
You Have Huge Guts Kill a cyberdemon using your fist in single player. 20
A Really Big Gun Find a BFG9000 in single player. 10



  • The Doom II Live Arcade port was accidentally released on the Japanese Live Arcade marketplace prior to the intended release. (Related Doomworld forums thread)
  • The Doom II port's IWAD includes the Xbox bonus level, Betray. However, it is inaccessible.
  • The 190 GUS patches included in the diskfiles are the original GUS411 patches. It even includes one unused patch, BLANK.PAT.

External links[edit]


  1. Microsoft. "Available games." Retrieved 12 May 2016.

Games in the Doom series
Classic Doom
Doom 3 Doom 3

Expansions: Doom 3: Resurrection of EvilThe Lost Mission

Official ports: Doom 3: BFG EditionDoom 3 (2019 version)Doom 3: VR Edition

Related: id Tech 4

Doom (2016+) Doom (2016)Doom VFRDoom EternalDoom: The Dark Ages

Expansions: The Ancient Gods, Part OneThe Ancient Gods, Part Two

Related: Development of Doom (2016)id Tech 6id Tech 7

Mobile games Doom RPGDoom II RPGDoom ResurrectionMighty Doom
Canceled games Doom AbsolutionDoom 4 1.0
Tabletop Doom: The BoardgameDoom: The Board GameAssault on Armaros Station
Related: Commercial gamesExpanded universeList of booksList of commercial compilations
Source code genealogy
Based on Name Base for
Doom for Xbox Doom and Doom II for Xbox 360 Doom Classic